
February - April 2021

1. Roaming Around Linbian 林邊一日遊 Linbian Township  is west of  Jiadong Township .  It's on the coast, but fishing isn't a big part of the local economy.  林邊鄉 位於 佳冬鄉 的西部.   林邊 靠海, 可是對當地經濟來說,漁業不是最重要的. There's nothing famous in Linbian.   Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area  extends into Linbian township, but the main entrance is in  Donggang , further west.  林邊 沒有知名的景點.   大鵬灣國家風景區 有部分屬於林邊, 但是它的大門跟遊客中心都在更西邊的 東港 . According to the last census, there are 17,238 people living in Linbian.  As you might expect, most of these people live near Highway 17, which divides the township in two. 上次的人口統計顯示 林邊 的人口有17,238人.  大多數的人口居住在把 林邊鄉 分成二個部分的 台17線 附近. This pipeline stretches across the Linbian River, between Linbian and Jiadong. 這條管道跨越著位於 林邊 和 佳冬 之間的 林邊溪 . This is the  Linbian Train Station . 這是 林邊車站 . This is in  Shuili Village , near the coast.  The village is surrounded by cemeteries, solar panels and ponds like this one.  Many different varieties of fish are raised in these ponds. 這是靠海的 水