April - June 2021

1. Roaming Around Laiyi Township  來義鄉遊記

Laiyi Township is east of Xinpi and north of Chunrh.  It's very big, but not many people live there.  Most of the people that do are members of the Paiwan Tribe.  Their larger villages are all near the western edge of the township. 來義鄉位於新埤東部,春日的北部。來義鄉很大,可是人口很少。居民大部分是排灣族。他們最大的部落在來義鄉的西部。

Several villages in Laiyi have been moved from their original locations.  Thus there's "Laiyi Village" and "Old Laiyi Village."  Is it because of climate change?  Or just because people moved away?  I know of one village that was relocated after an especially strong typhoon, but there are others I'm not so sure about. 來義鄉的幾個部落是從原來的地方遷移來的,所以有來義部落舊來義村部落。是世界氣候變遷嗎?還是因為居民想搬到別的地方?我聽說其中一個部落是受到颱風重創而遷村,可是其他部落我就不清楚了。

According to the last census, there are 2,262 people living in Laiyi. 上次的人口統計表示來義鄉的人口是2,262人。

That village on the left is Nanhe, across the Lili River from Chunrh. 照片裡左邊的部落是南和,與春日各據力里溪的二邊。

There's a small aboriginal museum in Nanhe Village.  If you're in the area and interested in Paiwan culture it's worth a visit. 南和有一棟原住民博物館。對排灣文化有興趣的旅客應該去參觀一下。

On the other side of Nanhe a road leads over a hill to the Mountainside Highway (185). 南和另外一邊有條小路越過山坡往沿山公路

Further north, near the village of Wangjia, is this guy. 這位先生在北邊的望嘉村附近。

Still further north is Wenle Village. 繼續往北就到文樂部落。 (1)

"Papusauwan送祖靈的結界處 The Sacred Place Where Ancestral Spirits Are Sent Off

" Pucunug部落每五年在11月舉辦一次Maljeveq迎祖靈祭 , 祭典儀式為期30天 , 而祭典結束後會留下一位善靈與家人共同生活一年 .  During November every five years Pucunug (Wenle) Village holds the Maljeveq Ceremony to welcome the ancestral spirits.  The ceremony takes place over 30 days, and after it has been concluded good spirits will remain to live with their families for a year."

" 隔年Pusau送靈祭典的同一時間 , Para-aljai祭司帶領著部落族人至結界處送上祭品 , 祭告祖靈之後再全部一起送走 .  During the following year the Pasau Ceremony to send off the spirits will be held at the same time.  The Para-aljai, a holy man, will bring the members of the tribe here to make offerings, and the ancestral spirits will be sent off together."

Further north than that is Danlin Village. 更北邊有丹林部落。

This picture was taken from Danlin, looking down at the Linbian River.  The haze in the sky is dust.  It hadn't rained in a while. 從丹林往下看林邊溪。空氣中的灰塵很多。很久沒有下雨了。

This is a food "festival" in Danlin.  Vendors were selling coffee, donuts and a few other things. 丹林的農民市集。有人賣咖啡,甜甜圈,還有些其他東西。

The Danlin Suspension Bridge.  It's fairly popular with tourists. 丹林吊橋。這裡很受旅客的青睞。

The Xi Le Fa Fa Forest Park, on the other side of Laiyi Elementary School.  The building in the background is a traditional Paiwan house. 來義國小另外一邊的喜樂發發森林公園。後面的建築是傳統的排灣族屋。

Laiyi Village.  There are a many waterfalls and trails near here.  Some are easy to find, while others are harder to locate. 來義鄉部落。附近有很多瀑布,步道。有的很好找,有的比較隱密。

2. Farming in Pingtung 屏東的農業 1

One big difference between Taitung, where I used to live, and Pingtung, where I now live, is the amount of land that's farmed and the number of crops grown in the county.  When I lived in Taitung I didn't feel like there was as much to say about either farmers or farming, whereas I now feel that it's impossible to talk about the county where I live without talking about what's grown here. 我以前居住的台東跟現在居住的屏東的主要差別是耕作面積的大小跟農產數量 .  我住台東的時候覺得農業或農夫沒有什麼好討論的 ; 現在談論我目前居住的地方時, 一定避不開農業 .

Farming in Pingtung is big business.  Pineapples have been in the news a lot lately, and a third of Taiwan's pineapple crop is grown here.  But farmers in Pingtung grow many other things, and the area has a LONG history of farming. 農業是屏東的重要產業 .  鳳梨最近一直出現在新聞上; 台灣1/3的鳳梨來自屏東 , 除了鳳梨, 屏東還有很多其他的農產品 .  屏東縣的農業有很長的歷史 .

Several important crops are listed on the Pingtung County Department of Agriculture's website.  These crops are listed below, and their primary areas of cultivation are on the map. 屏東縣農業處的網站有介紹當地農產的網頁 .  這些農產都在下面的列表裡 ; 農產的主要種植面積在地圖上 .

(1) wax apples 蓮霧
(2) candied dates 密棗
(3) mangoes 芒果
(4) bananas 香蕉
(5) pineapples 鳳梨
(6) papayas 木瓜
(7) lemons 檸檬
(8) dragonfruit 紅龍果
(9) roses 玫瑰
(10) orchids 文心蘭
(11) ornamental plants 葉材類
(12) rice 米
(13) quinoa 紅藜
(14) coffee beans 咖啡豆
(15) burdock (a plant used in Chinese medicine and occasionally eaten) 牛蒡
(16) bitter gourds 苦瓜
(17) onions 洋蔥
(18) cucumbers 小黃瓜
(19) red beans 紅豆

As you drive through Pingtung some crops are more visible than others.  Onion fields are easy to see at the southern end of the county.  As you go north from there the onion fields give way to mango fields.  In central Pingtung (Fangshan, Fangliao and other nearby townships), mangoes are everywhere, giving way to pineapples, rice and other crops as you move north.  They grow a lot of red beans around Wandan, which is famous for its red bean cakes, and many farmers grow coffee beans near the mountains. 當你開車經過屏東縣時 , 有的農作物比其他的明顯 .  在屏東縣的南端很容易看到洋蔥田 , 往北走的時候, 芒果園取代了洋蔥 .  屏東縣的中部 (枋山 , 枋寮附近 ) 到處都有芒果園 .  繼續往北走的時候 , 芒果漸漸被鳳梨 , 稻米和其他作物取代 .  以紅豆餅出名的萬丹附近種了很多紅豆 ; 靠近山區則有比較多人種咖啡豆 .

Lemons seem to be a newer crop in Pingtung, and the county government has been promoting them alongside locally grown cocoa beans, which aren't listed above.  The local agricultural industry might seem changeless, but in truth it's always changing alongside market conditions. 檸檬屏東好像是比較新的農產品 .  縣府也在推廣檸檬跟沒有在列表裡的可可果 .  當地農業雖然看似不會改變 , 其實都跟著市場狀況在調整 .

You may notice one glaring omission in the list above.  This is betel nut, which is grown all over the county.  Why doesn't the county government list this crop on their website?  Health concerns are definitely part of the reason, as is the local government's efforts to steer local farmers away from growing that crop.  Betel nut is definitely not good for your health, and the trees, when grown over large plots of land in the mountains, are a cause of erosion. 你應該也想到了沒有在列表裡的農產品吧 .  就是屏東縣到處都種的檳榔 .  縣政府為什麼沒有在網頁上介紹檳榔 ?  健康考量絕對是很大部分的原因 , 當地政府機關也努力引導農夫種其他的農產品 .  檳榔對身體不好 , 而且在山坡地上種檳榔樹也讓土石流的問題更嚴重 .

Another crop missing from the list is sugar cane, perhaps for more obvious reasons.  Pingtung has a long history of sugar cane production and refining, but that industry is pretty much dead now.  The sugar refineries of yesteryear have been converted into recreational areas, and there aren't many cane fields in present day Pingtung. 上面的列表中也沒有甘蔗 , 可是它不在表內的理由比較明顯 .  屏東的製糖業有很長的歷史 , 可是製糖已經是過去的事了 .  目前, 這些糖廠已經變成休閒地區 ; 現在的屏東沒有那麼多甘蔗了 .

3. Pingtung in the News 屏東的新聞 (Central 中) 3 

There are 29 townships, 3 municipalities and one city in Pingtung County.  It's exhausting to include news from every township, municipality and Pingtung City every time, so what I'll do instead is include news items from eleven different townships or municipalities in each entry.  This way I should be able to work my way through Pingtung County every three entries. 屏東縣包含了29個鄉, 3個鎮還有屏東市.  每次討論所有鄉鎮的新聞太累了, 所以我會每次討論11個鄉鎮的報告.  這樣子我每三篇新聞文章就會涵蓋到全縣內鄉鎮的新聞.

1. Majia Township 瑪家鄉

1a. The former Head of the Majia Township Office Finance and Economic Department was convicted of embezzlement after it was discovered that a contractor had been overpaid for a construction project there.  He was given prison time and required to pay a large fine.  瑪家鄉公所前財經課長與包商  不實實核銷工程款遭判刑

1b. An old monitoring station near Liding Mountain will be converted into a tourist and emergency services center.  Four popular mountaineering routes pass through the area.  小百岳笠笠頂山 !  屏東瑪家鄉公所將成立遊客中心與急救站

1c. Here's an article about sights along Pingtung's Mountainside Highway (185).  Two of the places pictured in this article, Linali Village and Liangshan Waterfall, are in Majia Township. 沿沿著山的幸福道路  探索185縣道的清幽與浪漫

2. Wandan Township 萬丹鄉

2a. There's a particularly dangerous intersection in Wandan.  Police want to install a flashing yellow light at the intersection, while residents think a stop light would be better.  Some argue that vehicles turning at the intersection will have difficulty with a stop light placed on such a narrow road. 道路小 , 駕駛搶快  搶快  萬丹鄉路口車禍頻傳

2b. Scary.  A man driving a car struck a local woman's vehicle and abducted her.  She was later found dead in another location.  The man, a reported nuisance to his neighbors, had harassed the woman at her place of employment prior to the abduction. 屏東假假車禍真擄人命案  凶嫌曾性騷擾死者 (1)

2c. Plans to build an interment facility near the boundary between Xinyuan and Wandan townships drew protests from local residents.  Some of these residents, hoping to develop the area for tourism, dislike the proximity of the proposed site to a popular temple in the area. 屏縣今審殯葬設施申請  萬丹 , 新園鄉民反對 (2)

3. Wanluan Township 萬巒鄉

3a. A tourist visiting Wanluan with his family lost control of his car and struck a roadside tree after swerving to avoid a stray dog.  The accident resulted in one death and four people injured. 家庭開心出遊在屏東萬巒閃狗不慎自撞  釀一死四傷悲劇

3b. What was I saying about sugar cane in the Farming in Pingtung entry?  Hmm... nevermind.  A farmer in Wanluan is growing sugar cane and refining it into brown sugar.  He hopes to create a "brown sugar community" in the area, similar to cane-centric communities in Okinawa, Japan. 種甘蔗製黑糖  吳鴻展盼打造萬巒黑糖社區

3b. A KMT legislator recently suggested that the pig's feet sold on Wanluan's famous "Pig's Feet Street" were imported.  Pingtung County's Joint Inspection Team immediately produced documentation to the contrary and demanded an apology. 藍委質疑屏東萬巒豬腳產源  綠委 , 業者氣炸要求道歉 (8)

4. Taiwu Township 泰武鄉

4a. No recent news out of Taiwu.

5. Chaozhou Municipality 潮州鎮

5a. The recent drought resulted in a reduced amount of water in the Minjr River, and the death of thousands of fish.  The local Water Management Bureau recently dispatched a team of workers to clean up the fish carcasses from the river. 溪水減少  屏東潮州鎮民治治溪魚群大量死亡 (3)

5b. Here's an article promoting Chaozhou's Sselin Green Tunnel.  潮州泗泗林綠色隧道生機勃勃勃  民眾打卡熱點 (4)

5c. The puppets created by noted puppet maker Su Ming-hsiung will be on display at the Chaozhou Chinese Opera House (Museum). 蘇明雄師徒  " 潮州尪仔 "  屏東戲曲故事館展出

6. Xinyuan Township 新園鄉

6a. No recent news out of Xinyuan.

7. Kanding Township 崁頂鄉

7a. The Donggang Police Bureau, whose jurisdiction extends to Kanding, convened a community security meeting at Nantian Temple.  Topics discussed included traffic and local crime. 屏東南望安鄉親夜聚廟埕  東港警 + 社區凝聚安全意識

8. Laiyi Township 來義鄉

8a. Not really news, but this article, complete with pictures, talks about the traditional Paiwan way of life, and tribal members returning to the mountain forests to hunt.  Laiyi has the largest number of Paiwan residents in Taiwan. " 山林本事 "  兼顧狩獵與生態  重返森林的排灣族獵人

9. Donggang Municipality 東港鎮

9a. The Pingtung County Magistrate and others are encouraging cyclists to visit local "Welcoming in the King's Peace" festivals.  Those considering such a trip should be aware that cycling into many of these festivals is not fun東港區迎迎王祭典  青年軍單車環島號召遊遊子遊子回家迎王 (5)

9b. It's tuna season in Donggang, and the Pingtung County Magistrate treated several prominent friends to dinner at a restaurant there.  Wang Jian-ming.  Remember him? 屏東黑鮪魚季季周六開鑼建仔 , 恰恰東港大啖生魚片

9c. The Chairman of the Donggang Fishing Association voiced concern over Japan's plan to dump irradiated water from the Fukushima disaster into the ocean.  Local fishermen were more ambivalent, realizing that there's not much anyone outside Japan can do about it. 日核核廢水將排海  東港區漁會理事長想起一事事驚驚呼 : 嚇死人 (6)

10. Nanzhou Township 南州鄉

10a. Nanzhou is getting ready for its own"Welcoming in the King's Peace" festival.  The pictures in the linked article indicate how much smaller this festival is. 3年一科屏東溪州代天府王船祭  王船點晴儀式隆重莊嚴

10b. There's no swimming pool in Nanzhou, a situation which presents a big problem for elementary schools required to provide swimming classes for their students.  Students from Nanzhou were traveling as far as Donggang to attend these classes, and during one of their trips to the swimming pool their bus was in an accident.南州鄉內沒永池小學生到外地上游泳課  途中遇驚險車禍 (7)

11. Xinpi Township 新埤鄉

11a. An anthropologist who undertook an ethnographic survey of Datie Village in Xinpi spoke recently at the Liudui Hakka Culture Park.  His book was recently translated into Chinese. 一生最有意義的日子就在新埤打鐵 ...  美籍人類學家專書翻譯出版

11b. An elderly man in Xinpi was filmed killing and burning a dog at his residence.  Police later apprehended the man, and despite evidence to the contrary he maintained his innocence.  屏東男子涉殺狗用瓦斯噴槍燒  違反動保法函送

4. 台灣的老街 Old Streets of Taiwan 2

The Chinese text below was taken from "Old Streets of Taiwan" 台灣老街.  The Chinese was written by 黃诏元 Huang Jhao-yuan, and the English was written/translated by me.  This book was published by Walkers Cultural Ltd. 遠足文化事業股份有限公司 in 2002.  This is the second of two entries from this book.

Fengtian Old Street

清康熙25年 (1686) , 施琅平定台灣後 , 部分土兵被安置在屏東縣一帶墾荒 : 後來遇上朱一貴作亂 , 墾民組成六股義勇團守護家園 , 稱為 "六堆" .  而屬於 "後堆" 的內埔 , 位於平原與山地交界處 , 水源豐沛 , 土壞肥沃 , 逐成為拓展墾務的首選 , 豐田村更是其中開發最早的地區 .  During the 25th year of Emperor Kangxi's reign (1686 on the Western calendar), after he reclaimed Taiwan [from the Ming loyalists], some of the soldiers [serving under the Ching emperor] were resettled in Pingtung.  Later, after [the rebel] Jhu Yi-gui's [uprising] brought chaos to the area, the settlers formed six militias to protect their homes, and these militias were referred to as "the Six Dui."  Neipu, which was at the time called "the Rear Dui," was located in an area where the western agricultural plain and the mountains meet.  It has abundant water resources, the soil is fertile, and it has expanded slowly over time.  Fengtian Village, located in this area, was one of the earliest areas to develop. (1)

到了乾隆初年 , 豐田村已成為鄰近聚落貨物的集散中心 .  日治大正9年 (1920) 的市區改正計畫 , 將傳統的三合院改建為2層樓房 , 演變成現在的模樣 .  豐田老街以寬達12米的新中路為主 , 兩旁街屋風格多樣 , 有巴洛克式的 (鴻祥雲) , (坤協盛) 等商號 , 立面山牆雕飾繁複 , 屋身則仍保留閩式建築的馬背屋脊 ; 也有昭和年間流行的現代主義 , 外觀雖較檏實 , 仍不乏幾何圖案和花草浮雕 .  由老街巷道轉進住宅區 , 古老的建築 , 水井 , 溝渠皆保留完整 , 流露出濃厚的古早味 , 但不少傳統客家夥房禁步起歲月的侵蝕 , 不若美濃 , 旗山等地來得完整 .  In the early years of Emperor Qianloong's reign, Fengtian Village had already become an important center of trade between local settlements.  The ninth year of the Japanese Emperor Taisho (1920) saw the release of an urban renewal plan, and this plan did away with the traditional three-sided courtyard houses in favor of the two-story buildings seen there today.  Fengtian Old Street [was at that time] Xinjhong road, which was 12 meters wide.  Every style of architecture could be seen along its two sides, including the [local] "baroque" style exemplified in Hongxiangyun, Kenxiesheng and other local businesses.  The facades and gables of these buildings display complicated carvings.  The buildings also retained the Fujian-style roof in conjunction with the "modernism" of the Showa period, [as seen in] Japan.  Although their appearance is less than graceful, there are many geometric patterns and plant carvings to be found on these buildings.  As one turns from the Old Street into the lanes of the old residential quarter, one can see the old buildings, wells and ditches which have been preserved intact there.  They give one a strong sense of older times.  It's a pity that many of the traditional Hakka structures have been abandoned to the elements for so long, and are not as complete as those seen in Meinong or Qishan. (2)

豐田村屬於客家聚落 , 三山國王廟自是其守護神 , 國王宮廟埕廣場則扮演吸引人潮的角色 , 每天清早和黃昏都聚集了各式各樣的攤販 , 宛如臨時市場 .  與六堆天后宮同年修築的 "昌黎祠" , 是全台唯一供奉韓愈的廟宇 , 由於整修時未依原貌施工 , 竟遭到撤銷為古蹟的命運 .  附近尚有光緒26年建造的隘門 , 雖被列為古蹟 , 但幾經重漆已失去原貌 , 十分可惜 .  Fengtian Village is a Hakka settlement, and the Lords of the Three Mountains are its protective deities.  The King's Palace Temple attracts many people to the area, and every morning and afternoon a variety of vendors gather there, forming a temporary market.  There is also the Liu Dui Queen of Heaven Temple, which was built the same year.  It is the only temple in Taiwan dedicated to the poet Han Yu.  Originally declared a historic monument, this status was later revoked because its renovated appearance does not conform to what it looked like previously.  There is also a gate dedicated to the Emperor Guangshu nearby, and despite being listed as a monument the original paint has since fallen [from the structure].  This is a great pity. (3)

5. A Glass Half Empty

In 2007 I was not a happy camper.

This seemed strange to my friends at the time, and it seems even stranger to me now.  I was just not happy.  I was, in fact, feeling very dissatisfied with my life, and I was wondering what to do about it.

At the time I was between my first and second year at Tunghai Junior High School, which is located in Taitung City.  I had been married for seven years.  My older daughter was seven, and her younger sister was two.

After years of fretting about life in one of Taiwan's big cities, and after years of worrying about the air I breathed and my perceived distance from "nature," I was finally living on the east coast of the island, breathing fresh air and soaking up the subtropical sunshine.

So why wasn't I happy?  I had everything I'd always wanted.  I had a beautiful wife who loved me and whom I loved, I had two beautiful daughters who I also loved immensely, I had the kind of job I'd been steadily working toward for years, and I was living in the kind of place I wanted to live in, without having to worry about money or the immediate future.

Why wasn't I happy?  I'm still not sure.  Something just took the wind out of my sails in 2007.  Something made my personal victories less sweet.  Perhaps it was the websites I was visiting.  Perhaps it was the people I hung out with.  I really don't know.

What I do know is that I was unhappy with almost everything outside my house.  I'd go outside and complain about the way people drove.  I'd go to a restaurant and complain that people were being rude, or that they were staring.  I'd notice garbage everywhere, and wonder how people could be so dirty.

Then of course I'd think about the country I'd come from, and my dissatisfaction would become even greater.  Back home people would never drive that way.  Back home people would be nice, and wouldn't stare.  Back home there wouldn't be so much garbage.

Back home, back home, so many things were "better" back home.  And when I'd think about back home I'd never question the accuracy of my memories.  I wouldn't ask myself if that place I remembered still existed or not.  For me the memory of that place was beyond reproach, and Taiwan was bound to suffer by comparison.

Thinking about it now, I can only sympathize with my wife at the time.  I must've been difficult to be around.  Yet my wife, being the forgiving person that she is, allowed me to persist in this delusion, perhaps thinking that I'd come to my senses sooner or later.  Even so, it couldn't have been fun listening to my complaints about Taiwan all the time.

You can probably guess what happened soon after.  We wound up back in the USA of course, trying to work multiple jobs, pay for childcare, and save up for rent in one of the most expensive cities in the Pacific Northwest.  It didn't go well.  But of course it didn't.  We were doomed to failure from the beginning, not because we weren't able to survive there but because that place I so desperately wanted to be, that place that seemed like the answer to all my complaints, didn't exist anymore.

Whether it ever had existed is something I'm still not sure about.  Either the places I missed had changed or I had changed.  Either the things I missed weren't popular any longer, or I had grown bored of them.  And even if it had all somehow stayed the same, I would've probably been unhappy with it regardless.

Why?  Because in the years between leaving my hometown and returning to it I had failed to notice one important thing - that I was living somewhere much better.  And it really was better; I'd come to realize that.  It was only that my sense of dissatisfaction had blinded me to what was good about Taiwan, and had led me into a very expensive error.

Sure, I managed to remedy that error in ten months or so, but it remains one of the most expensive and frustrating missteps I've ever taken.  Why WAS I so unhappy with Taiwan in 2007?  Why WAS I so convinced that going "home" was better?

Even now I couldn't tell you.  Now I'm just glad to be here, and when I wake up each morning I remind myself of that fact.  I also remind myself that even the best place - given the wrong attitude - can seem like the worst.

6. Roaming Around Shrdze Township 獅子鄉遊記

Shrdze Township is east of Fangshan and south of Chunrh.  It's Pingtung County's largest township, and has a population of 4,817.  Anyone going from Kaohsiung to Taitung passes through Shrdze on their way through the mountains. 獅子鄉位於枋山的東部 , 春日的南部 .  獅子鄉屏東縣內最大的鄉鎮 , 統計人口是4,817人 .  從高雄台東的旅客都要經過獅子山區 .

Shrdze means "lion."  According to Wikipedia, the township is named after a rock in Shrdze Village which resembles a lion. 維基百科解釋 , 獅子這個名稱是從獅子村附近的石頭來的 .

At the southern end of Shrdze Township is the Liloong Mountain Trail.  It's a very remote, very quiet place that few people visit.  My only complaint about it is the monkeys.  I really don't like monkeys. 獅子鄉的南部有里龍山步道 .  那個地方很偏遠安靜 , 到那裏的觀光客不多 .  我唯一不喜歡的部分是猴子 .

Further north is Xinlu Village, not far from the Southern Cross-Island Highway.  往北邊一點點就是靠近南迴公路新路村 . (1)

They grow a lot of mangoes in Shrdze.  Fields like this can be seen all over south Pingtung County.  獅子鄉到處都是芒果園 .  芒果是屏東縣南部很重要的農產品 .

That bridge in the background is a new section of the Southern Cross-Island Highway.  This road has been under construction for years.  背景的橋就是南迴公路最新的一段 .  那條公路已經施工好幾年了.

Many of the roads branching off from the Southern Cross-Island Highway lead to the Fenggang River, which still holds a surprising amount of water.  從南迴公路延伸的幾條山路都通往楓港溪 .  楓港溪裡面的水還不少.

Still further north is Shrdze Village.  Like Xinlu it's also surrounded by mango fields.  北邊一點有獅子村 .  這個小村落跟新路一樣芒果園多 .

This particular field had signs around it warning that it was "electrified."  I'm still not sure what was being electrified - if anything.  Farmers get super paranoid just before it's time to harvest the fruit.  這個果園有告示牌說 "有電 ."  我還不知道哪裡有電 .  隨著採收芒果的時間來臨 , 農夫們對小偷都很警惕 .

You may have noticed this when traveling through Fangshan.  It's on the hill just above the highway.  "I Love Shrdze Township."  你經過枋山的時候大概看過這個東西 .  它位在公路旁邊的小山坡 .  "我愛獅子鄉 ."

Closer to Fangliao is Jungxinluen Village.  The train line from Taitung runs along those mountains in the distance.  靠近枋寮中心崙村 .  南迴鐵路經過後面的山坡 .

I even found an abandoned botanical garden with its own abandoned temple.  The trees were pretty, and I wanted to walk further inside, but I was worried about snakes. 我甚至找到無人管的植物園 .  裡面也有一所被人遺忘的廟 .  裡面的樹很漂亮 .  我想走進去 , 可是我怕有蛇.

Just south of Fangliao is Neishr Village.  It's another place surrounded by mangoes. 內獅村靠近枋寮鄉的南部 .  這個村一樣外環都是芒果園 .

And this bit of Paiwan tribal art is to be found at Neishr Elementary School, where I taught a lesson not long ago.  The kids there have a lot of energy. 這是內獅國小排灣族藝術品 .  我最近在那裏教過一堂課 .  那邊的孩子很有精神 .

7. Fish and Fishing 屏東的漁業

Fishermen at the southern end of Pingtung County are represented by the Hengchun Fishing Association.  North of that is the Fangliao Fishing Association, headquartered in the Fangliao Fishing Port.  Still further north is the Linbian Fishing Association and the Donggang Fishing Association. 屏東南端的漁民代表是恆春區漁會 .  恆春區漁會北是位於枋寮漁港枋寮區漁會 .  再往北有林邊區漁會東港區漁會 .

Fishing (and fish farms) is a big subject.  What follows are bits of trivia gleaned from the four local fishing associations' web sites.  I may revisit this topic in the future. 漁業 (還有養殖魚) 牽涉廣泛 .  下列的資料是我在這四個漁會的網頁上找到的 .  我未來可能還會繼續討論這個題目 .

1. It's flying fish season.  Flying fish season occurs between April and June. 現在正值每年四月到六月的飛魚季 . 

2. The Hengchun (District) Fishing Association dates back to 1940.  It started as a subgroup within the Kaohsiung Fishing Association. 恆春區漁會的歷史始於西元1940年 , 原來是高雄漁會的分會 .

3 The Hengchun Fishing District includes Hengchun MunicipalityManzhou TownshipChecheng Township and Mudan Township恆春漁區的範圍包括恆春鎮 , 滿州鄉 , 車城鄉牡丹鄉 .

4. The Hengchun Fishing District extends along the west coast up to Jhukeng, and along the east coast to Xuhai恆春西岸的邊界在竹坑 , 東岸的邊界在旭海 . (1)

5. There are 12 ports in the Hengchun Fishing District. 恆春漁區總共有十二個港區 . (2)

6. There are over 500 boats registered in the Hengchun Fishing District. 恆春漁區計500多艘漁船 .

7. The Hengchun Fishing Association Headquarters is in Houbihu, not far from Kenting National Park恆春區漁會的漁業大樓在墾丁國家公園附近的後壁湖 .

8. The Fangliao Fishing Association dates back to 1927. 枋寮區漁會始於西元1927年.

9. The Fangliao Fishing Association's website is one of the most broken down websites you'll ever see.  It looks like something from the mid 90s. 枋寮區漁會的網站是最爛的 , 很像1990年代的網站 .

10. The Fangliao Fishing Association has its own fishing fleet, but a much larger proportion of locally produced fish come from the fish farms that stretch from Fangshan to Jiadong townships.  Grouper, shrimp and mangrove red snapper are all raised in local fish ponds. 枋寮漁區也有漁船 , 可是當地的漁產主要來自枋山佳冬間的養殖魚場 , 例如石斑魚 , 蝦和銀紋笛鯛 .

11. The Linbian Fishing Association dates back to 1931. 林邊區漁會始於西元1931年 .

12. Although headquartered in central Linbian Township, the Linbian Fishing Association is involved with "fisheries" as far away as Wutai and Ligang townships. 林邊區漁會的大樓在林邊市區 , 可是它服務的範圍遠至霧台鄉 和里港鄉 . (3)

13. The Linbian Fishing Association has only one fishing port, and this port easily silts up.  Almost all of the fish from that area are raised in fish farms. 林邊區漁會只負責一個漁港 .  這個港常常發生淤積 .  這裡大部分的漁產來自養殖 .

14. Here's a picture of the types of fish raised in the Linbian Fishing District. 在這裡可以參考林邊漁產 .

15. The Donggang District Fishing Association is the oldest of all, dating back to 1903. 東港區漁會的歷史是最長久的 , 起始於西元1903年 .

16. The Donggang District Fishing Association has the largest fishing fleet, with over 1000 boats of various sizes. 東港區漁會的漁船最多 , 有1000多艘船 .  任何大小的漁船都有 .

17. Five types of tuna are caught in Donggang.  For a a catalog of everything caught in that area click here東港的漁民打撈的鮪魚有五種 .  他們打撈的海生動物種類在這裡 .

8. Pingtung in the News 屏東的新聞 (South 南) 3 

There are 29 townships, 3 municipalities and one city in Pingtung County.  It's exhausting to include news from every township, municipality and Pingtung City every time, so what I'll do instead is include news items from eleven different townships or municipalities in each entry.  This way I should be able to work my way through Pingtung County every three entries. 屏東縣包含了29個鄉, 3個鎮還有屏東市.  每次討論所有鄉鎮的新聞太累了, 所以我會每次討論11個鄉鎮的報告.  這樣子我每三篇新聞文章就會涵蓋到全縣內鄉鎮的新聞.

1. Linbian Township 林邊鄉

1a. The local water utility informed residents of Linbian and nearby Donggang that the pressure of the water entering their homes may be reduced as a result of the recent power plant failure in Kaohsiung. 分區供電水公司預防性通知  林邊東港部分用戶可能減壓供水

1b. When it (doesn't) rain it pours?  Linbian was among several areas affected by recent power outages.  There may be more such outages on the way. 南高屏花東5縣市  停電17萬多戶

1c. Banana insurance!  The Department of Agriculture is now insuring the banana crop in certain cities and townships.  Linbian Township is among the townships hurrying to apply for this type of insurance. 香蕉收入保險理賠率達233%  農糧署籲14日前投保

2. Jiadong Township 佳冬鄉

2a. Several men illegally disposed of construction waste in connection with a solar panel installation project in Jiadong.  They are under investigation at the time of writing. 屏東佳冬魚揾周邊太陽光電整地  竟回填非法廢棄物 (1)

2b. The Pingtung County Government has spent a lot of money to remodel Jiadong Junior High School.  The Pingtung County Magistrate was recently on hand to inaugurate the new facilities. 屏東佳冬國中新建校舍啟用  潘孟安盼學子能惜福認真學習 (2)

2c. The Pingtung County Magistrate also visited a restaurant serving "soup rice" in Jiadong.  This dish, which is considered "home cooking" in the area, consists of rice served in pork broth, with fish and bamboo shoots. 屏東人的家鄉味  市長潘孟安帶你吃 "飯湯" (3)

3. Fangliao Township 枋寮鄉

3a. This article is nonsense bordering on paid advertising and/or propaganda, but the Shengli Corporation has been hosting activities throughout Fangliao for "the benefit" of elderly residents.  They're obviously trying to smooth the way for future solar panel installations, and reduce opposition to their plan to install panels near Xinkai Village, where a large swath of land has already been deforested. 生利能源前進枋寮社區關懷據點  陪伴地方長者 (4)

3b. Kind of embarrassing.  Several Mother's Day couplets were spotted outside the Fangliao Township Mayor's office, but two of the words/characters on one of the couplets are often used in connection with funerals.  The Township Mayor later admitted that these couplets had been outsourced from another area. 模範賀榜題母得長昭  枋寮鄉長挨批

3c. COVID-19 has been on everyone's mind lately.  One of the confirmed cases visited Loong An Temple from another area. 屏東公布2確診者足跡  曾至車城 , 枋寮 , 東港華僑市場 (5)

4. Chun Rh Township 春日鄉

4a. The Mayor of Chunrh Township recently complained about tourists visiting the area, climbing local trails, barbecuing and playing with water in local rivers.  According to him the residents there have been wearing masks and staying home, while many tourists are using it as a playground. "同島一命 , 有嗎 ?"  屏東春日鄉長看到遊客戲水怒了 (6)

4b. Residents of Chunrh have even taken to cordoning off the road into Gueichong, and turning away visitors from outside the township. "春日部防衛隊"  為家鄉把關  竟遭登山客譙三字經 ! (7)

5. Fangshan Township 枋山鄉

5a. One of the recent COVID-19-positive cases stopped to have coffee on the beach in Fangshan. 屏東今新增3例 , 朋友出遊感染  匡例21人採檢隔離

5b. Military personnel were recently thanked by the mayor of Fangshan Township for their assistance with a recent train accident in Jialu. 586旅官兵義助車禍傷患  鄉長致謝

6. Shrdze Township 獅子鄉

6a. No recent news out of Shrdze.

7. Checheng Township 車城鄉

7a. Fu An Temple in Checheng seems to be a hotspot for COVID-19.  This article only mentions two cases, but there have been others since it was written.  Many other temples as well.  2確診者南下屏東進香與訪友  足跡爆光

7b. The Pingtung County Government has designated three "youth bases" in the county.  One of these is the old Hot Spring Police Station in Checheng.  These youth bases will focus on youth-oriented farming, economic and travel innovation. 屏東再造3處青創基地 (8)

8. Mudan Township 牡丹鄉

8a. Residents of Xuhai Village recently complained that the Mudan Bay Villa is still accepting guests, and that many of these guests are from the north of Taiwan, where the epidemic is most serious.  Villa staff responded that disinfection work is ongoing, and that many reservations have been cancelled. 屏東疫情 !  居民控牡丹灣villa訂房仍有7成  還接疫區客  業者喊冤 : 快退光了

8b. This article links to a podcast about the Mudan Incident Monument in Mudan. 原民聚落系列 : 屏東排灣高士部落  昔日古戰場今日文化寶地

8c. A student in Mudan won a Presidential Education Award. 不畏困境奮發向上  屏東排灣學子獲總統教育獎

9. Manjhou Township 滿洲鄉

9a. A driver in Manzhou lost control of his vehicle and drove into a house.  Both he and his female passenger received minor injuries. 屏東滿州小客車撞進民宅  車頭全毀

10. Hengchun Municipality 恆春鎮

10a. Staff at the Hengchun Municipality Office took to the streets to alert local restaurant owners that dining in is not acceptable. 疫情升溫仍有遊客  恆春鎮公所廣發僅共外帶公告

10b. Many tourists patronizing local homestays haven't been wearing masks, and the Pingtung County Government has called in people to investigate. 恆春民宿遊客遭指不戴口罩群聚開趴  縣府派員稽查

10c. The mayor of Hengchun Municipality recently visited Kenting's famous night market in an attempt to encourage patrons to wear masks. 墾丁大街人流管制  恆春鎮長上街呼籲戴口罩 (9)

11. Liuqiu Township 琉球鄉

11a. Homestays operating on Xiaoliuqiu have closed their doors, and restaurants there now only offer take-out service. 疫情警戒提高  小琉球業者聯合響應休業

11b. I have no idea how to say "ma hua juan" 麻花捲 in English.  However you say it, those twisty cookies associated with Xiaoliuqiu are advertised in this article.  Is it just me, or is the English name of their beer different now? 小琉球  "海島伴手禮"  推薦 ! 在地人都愛的麻花捲 , 超Q凍凍果 , 澎湃干貝醬 ..

11c. As a further measure against the spread of COVID-19, all of the tourist sites on Xiaoliuqiu have been closed. 守住屏東海外淨土  小琉球封鎖全景點

9. Cutting It Close

I love my older daughter very much, but sometimes she can be unpredictable.

It's not that there's anything wrong with her, just that she tends to brood on things for a long time, and then, after everyone else has forgotten what she was brooding over, she'll react to it.  It's like watching an old teapot on a slow boil.  You know the water's going to boil over sooner or later; you're just not sure when.

At the end of her last year of elementary school my wife decided to cut her hair.  I can't remember if my wife did this to "punish" her or not, or whether it was simply a well-intended haircut gone wrong.  Whatever the case, my daughter's hair was cut very short.

I didn't think it looked that bad.  Yeah, it was short, but not that much shorter than her other haircuts.  She also seemed fine with the haircut, if a little unhappy.  Her hair was cut on a weekday afternoon, we did our usual weekday things, and then we all went to bed, thinking nothing of it.

The next morning my daughters and I rode our bikes to school. My older daughter was in the sixth grade, her younger sister was in the first, and I was an English teacher in the same school.  We chatted off and on, and I said goodbye to each of them near the front entrance.  They went off to their classrooms, and I went upstairs to my desk in the Curriculum Department.

After that I taught a class or two, and got lost in other aspects of my work.  Then the phone rang at another teacher's desk, and I was told the phone call was for me.

I picked up and it was my older daughter's teacher.  "She's gone," said this teacher, "Have you seen her?"

"Who?" I asked, "Who's gone?  Have I seen who?'

"Your daughter," answered the teacher.  "She ran out of class.  I don't know why.  She just disappeared.  She's not with you?"

A series of semi-frantic phone calls followed.  A party of us searched the school grounds.  I went back to where we parked our bicycles that morning, and found my older daughter's bicycle missing.  A couple hours passed.  We thought about calling the police, but then someone suggested I go home and look there.  I bicycled home, looking for her at a couple places she might have gone to.  Nothing.

Arriving at my apartment, I found her room empty and no sign that anyone had been there since that morning.  The cats were sleeping just as they'd been sleeping earlier, and all the lights were still off.

Where could she be?  I was trying not to panic, but as any parent knows, when you can't locate your child it's terrifying.  It's one thing if they're 20 and getting home late from their job, it's quite another when they're 12 and have vanished under mysterious circumstances.

Unable to think clearly in the confines of our apartment, I decided to go up to the roof, where I often went for a think.  I wanted to think about where my older daughter might be, and why she might be there.  Taitung City wasn't that big after all, and she couldn't have gone far.

I walked up the steps to the roof and noticed a red storm door already open.  There, cowering behind one of the rooftop vents, I found my daughter.  "What happened," I said, "Why are you here?"

It wasn't easy to figure it out at first, but after talking things through I few times I realized that it was because of the haircut she'd received the day before.  It had been cut too short, she'd felt embarrassed, and she hadn't said a thing to us about it.  Then, overcome by the shame she'd thought awaited her at school, she'd fled back home without a key to get in.  She'd been on that roof for at least two hours by the time I got there.  The security guard hadn't even seen her go in.

Later that evening my wife and I had a long talk with our older daughter about telling us when something bothered her, and also about how much she'd scared us by disappearing from school.  She agreed that she'd never do that again, and to her credit she never did.  We've had our disagreements since, but she's never disappeared, and she's been very conscientious about telling us where she goes.

Maybe you've got kids, and maybe they've done something similar.  Maybe they've scared you in the same way.  We parents try our best - or at least I hope we do - but it's a big world out there, and you don't always know what's going on in your kid's mind.  In the greater scheme of things, disappearing from school isn't an unforgivable sin, but even thinking about it now makes me a little shaky.

10. 屏東縣鄉土DNA (Pingtung County Hometown DNA) 1

The Chinese text below was taken from "Pingtung County Hometown DNA" 屏東縣鄉土 DNA.  The Chinese was written under the direction of the Pingtung County Government, and the English was written/translated by me.  This book was published by Jade Mountain 玉山社 in 2008.

This book was written by and for the use of local teachers.  It presents units of study with regard to local history and local products, with a curriculum for grades 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 and 7-8.  I'll be excerpting from the 7-8 grade curriculum for each of these entries.

There are nine units in this book.  This entry is the first.

Wanluan's Liu Family Ancestral Shrine

一 , 地理環境 One: Geography

1. 五溝湧泉水圳 The Canals of Wugou Spring

六堆地區聚落分佈狀況與當地水系有密切關係 .  先民入墾時期 , 交通不方 , 貨物及人員交通以水運為最便利 , 因此六堆地區水道不僅為農耕必須的水源 , 更是交通上不可或缺的通路 , 聚落發展自然以鄰近水源地為開庄的擇址地點 .  五溝水圳為日治時期農田水利會利用豐沛的地下湧泉 , 沿著村莊挖鑿圳溝 , 作為灌溉之用的水圳 .  水圳的源頭下游約二百公尺處 , 為方便灌溉 , 建一水閘門 , 分出另一水路流向劉氏宗祠.  The distribution of settlements in the Luidui area (1) was closely linked to the waterways in that part of Taiwan.  When the first settlers arrived, transportation was not convenient, and moving goods and people around by boat was the easiest option.  For this reason the waterways of the Luidui settlements weren't just necessary for farming but also for transportation.  Villages were always located close to adjacent water sources, 

The canals around Wugoushui (2), fed by an abundant underground spring, were built during the Japanese Imperial Administration.  They were intended for use by local farmers irrigating their fields.  The canals were dug between the villages.  About 200 meters down from the underground spring, sluice gates were placed to improve water flow, and from one of these gates a canal flowed past the Liu Family Ancestral Shrine.

2. 五溝獨持的生態圈 Wugou's Unique Ecosystem

五溝地區溪流雖有畜牧及家庭廢水的汙染 , 惟中途之地下湧泉的稀釋 , 使得五溝水在水質 , 水溫 , 水流速配合下 , 產出許多特殊之物種 , 並造就出其獨持的生態體系 , 包刮探芹草 , 屏東石龍尾 , 光葉水菊等四十種以上水草 , 有記綠的留鳥有三十一種 , 候鳥九種 , 螺貝類有蜆 , 錐實螺  , 福壽螺等二十一種 , 水棲昆蟲以蜻蛉目物種最多 , 有脊紋鼓蟌 , 琥珀蜻蜓 , 瘦面細蟌 , 樂山蜻蜓等二十二種 , 佔全島蜻蛉目物種的五分之一 . Even though the waterways near Wugou are polluted by livestock [runoff] and household wastewater, the dilution of contaminants due to Wugou's proximity to the underground spring, the flow rate, and the water temperature allow for the growth of several unique species of plants and animals.  A distinctive ecosystem has evolved, which includes hydrolea zeylanica, a local type of limnophila sessiliflora, a type of tea plant and 40 other types of aquatic plants (3).  Over 31 species of endemic birds have been recorded in the area, along with 9 types of migratory birds.  The area is home to clams, air-breathing snails, gilled freshwater snails and 21 other types of shelled organism.  Dragonflies and damselflies are the most numerous of the aquatic insects, and of the 22 types found in the area several are endemic.  [The types of dragonfly and damselfly found here] account for one fifth of Taiwan's total dragonfly and damselfly species. (4)

二 , 歷史背景 Two: Historical Background

1.從原鄉到六堆 From [Their] Hometowns to Liudui

早期客家人來台 , 約在1686年間 , 其時海禁初開 , 閩粵人民因 受生活環境所迫 , 大量東移來台謨生 .  惟閩南人因佔地利人和關係 , 自然較具優勢 ; 而粵東客家人來台較遲 , 且受各種政令限制 , 已無空地可用 , 只好在今台南市東門外 , 墾闢菜園 , 以維生計 .  1691年左右 , 客家人聞悉屏東下淡水溪東岸有大量未墾荒埔 , 因生活所迫 , 乃冒著瘴癘 , 番害的侵襲 , 相率遷往開墾 .  於是人口驟增 , 墾區日擴 .  六堆客家人大部分是廣東省嘉應州的梅縣和蕉嶺縣人 , 中北部客家人也差不多 , 少數是平遠 , 大埔 , 興寧 , 五華 , 龍門 , 河源 , 海豐 , 饒平 , 及閩西之上杭 , 武平 , 永定 , 贛南之雲都 , 會昌 , 尋鄔等縣及廣西的客家人 .  1688年 , 一隊由嘉應州徵募的客家兵 , 人數約有一百多人 , 在安平 , 台南 , 阿公店服役四年後解隊 , 被安置在屏東萬丹鄉附近 (濫濫庄) 從事屯田 , 是六堆最初來台的先人 .  Hakka people arrived in Taiwan as early as 1686.  At that time the [imperial] ban against sea voyages had just been lifted, and people in Fujian and Guangdong [provinces], leading lives of hardship at home, were driven in large numbers east to Taiwan to make a living.  Minnanese [Taiwanese speaking] people had an advantage in terms of the places they settled and their relations with those who'd already settled here.  The Hakka people, arriving from eastern Guangdong, came later, and were restricted by various government decrees.  There was no land available to them [near the ports], and so they cultivated land outside Tainan's East Gate to survive.

Around 1691 the Hakka settlers learned that there was a lot of uncultivated land south of the Lower Danshui River (5) in Pingtung, and population pressure forced them to risk malaria and other illnesses in order to settle the area.  As a result the population grew rapidly, and the size of cultivated land increased day by day.

Most of the settlers occupying Pingtung's Liudui settlements were from Meixian and Jiaoling districts in Guangdong Province, Jiaying prefecture.  The Hakka [immigrants] in Central and North Taiwan were similarly distributed.  A few were from Pingyuan, Dapu, Xingning, Wuhua, Longmen, Heyuan, Haifeng, Raoping, Shangkeng in Minxi [Fujian Province], Wuping, Yongding, Yundu in southern Jiangxi, Huichang, and a few other Hakka communities in Guangxi (6).  In 1688 a troop of about 100 soldiers recruited from Jiaying Prefecture were disbanded after four years' service in Anping and Agongdian, Tainan.  These soldiers were relocated to Wandan Township (Lanlan Village) in Pingtung, where they began clearing land for farming.  They were among the earliest of Pingtung's Luidui settlers.

2.頭溝水到五溝水的命名 Place Names between Tougoushui and Wugoushui

居住於濫濫庄的數名青年 , 1698年沿河來到萬巒鄉二溝水 , 發現官倉肚一帶可以開拓 , 是為萬巒開庄之始 , 因看其水源豐沛 , 甚至派人遠回原鄉 , 邀集大批農民到此墾荒 .  人定勝天 , 不久闢出良田百頃 , 以後逐漸開拓頭 , 二 , 三 , 泗 , 五溝水暨其他地方 , 一共十三庄 .  本鄉另轄有平埔族的赤山 , 萬金二村 , 以及潮州府屬移民來的佳佐 , 新厝 , 新置等村莊 , 俱以閩南話為常用語 .  此一帶土地原由排灣族開拓 , 清政府派兵駐屯後 , 排灣族移去山上 , 乃有前述人民遷居此處 .  A few young people followed the river from Lanlan Village to Ergoushui in 1698.  Their discovery that this area could be farmed marked the beginning of settlement in Wanluan.  They noticed that water was a plentiful resource in the area, and sent people back to their original village to invite others to help develop the land for farming.  People always rise to a challenge, and before long a hundred hectares of land were under the plow.  [This led to the] gradual settlement of Toushui, Ershui, Sanshui, Sseshui and Wushui for a total of 13 villages (7).  Originally the area was also home to plains-dwelling indigenous peoples, who lived in Chrshan and Wanjin Village (#2), as well as the Minnanese (Hokkien)-speaking people who migrated over from Chaozhou and started settlements such as Jiadzuo, Xintsuo and Xinjr.  The area was first settled by members of the Paiwan Tribe, but after the Ching Government sent troops to the area these tribespeople moved to [areas closer to the mountains].  The new groups mentioned above replaced them.

三 , 社會發展 Three: Societal Development

1. 萬巒豬腳的起源 The Origin of Wanluan Pork Knuckle

萬巒豬腳創始人林海鴻 , 在戰後初期 , 原本在萬巒市場內擺麵攤 , 後來改變生意方式賣起豬腳來 , 已傳承第三代共同經營 , 萬巒豬腳聞名全台 , 主要在於特殊的製作過程 , 獨特的配方 , 佐料 , 有別於其他地方所產製的豬腳 , 吃起來不膩 , 皮 , 肉 , 筋 , 韌性中帶點脆的感覺 , 十分爽口 , 加上香醇的沾料 , 使人印象深刻 .  Lin Hai-hong was the man who created the Wanluan pork knuckle.  He had a noodle stall set up in the Wanluan Market after the war, and later switched over to selling pork knuckle.  This business has since spanned three generations.  Wanluan's pork knuckle is famous throughout Taiwan, [and is known for] its special method of preparation, its unique recipe and the condiments served with it.  It's different from the pork knuckle served in other places.  It's not greasy, and the skin, meat and tendons are all a bit crispy.  The taste [of this pork knuckle] is completely refreshing.  The mellow dipping sauce [with which the pork knuckle is served] also makes a big impression.

2. 萬巒豬腳商圈 Wanluan's Pork Knuckle Shopping Area

台灣人吃豬腳麵線 , 象徵可以把霉運踩過去 , 同時可吉祥延壽 .  吃豬腳麵線時一定要吃到豬蹄 , 才算真的把霉運踢走 .  萬巒豬腳商店在鄉公所統一規劃下 , 已形成美食街 , 除了豬腳外 , 各式客家糕點及小吃也很出名 .  Taiwanese people eat pork knuckle noodles, [whose name] symbolizes trampling bad luck underfoot.  At the same time these auspicious [pork knuckle noodles] can contribute to a long life.  When eating pork knuckle noodles, you really need to eat the pork knuckles to "kick' the bad luck away.  A Wanluan Pork Knuckle Food Street has been organized in front of the township office, and aside from pork knuckle many Hakka pastries and snacks [served in this area] have also become famous.

四 , 藝術與人文 Four: Arts and Culture

1. 客家圍樓與劉氏宗祠 Hakka Enclosures and the Liu Family Ancestral Shrine

圍樓建築是客家建築的一大特色 , 客家人自中原遷往閩西 , 粵東 , 或在由閩西 , 粵東遷往南洋 , 台灣 , 或在其他地方的移居過程中 , 都相同面臨與異地文化作全面抗爭 , 融合 , 衝擊的過程 , 這個過程反映在空間上 , 顯而易見的就是 "客家建築" 的文化景觀 .  客家土樓是典型的傳統民居之一 , 一般是由堂屋 , 橫屋加以組合發展而成 , 在組合中有不少天井穿插其中 , 尤其是屋後加上一圍 , 二圍 , 甚至是三圍的圍籠屋和屋前半圓形的水塘 , 更是客家民居的平面佈局獨具一格 , 更當特色 .  The enclosed building is a major feature of Hakka architecture.  The Hakka people immigrating to western Fujian, Guangdong, or immigrating from western Fujian and Guangdong to Taiwan or to other places brought their own individual and cultural perspectives to their adopted hometowns.  These individual and cultural perspectives were fused together into what is now known as "Hakka architecture."  The Hakka tulou (soil house) is the most typical of traditional Hakka dwellings, and most consist of a central wing centered around a family shrine, onto which additional wings are added.  Between the wings of the house are courtyards, and additional courtyards are placed behind the house between additional wings, with a circular pool in front of the house.  The floor plan of these houses is unique to Hakka architecture.

2. 仙人井與萬金天主堂 Xianrenjing ("Fairy's Pool") and Wanjin Catholic Church

先人開墾初期 , 遷居於 "仙人井" , 泉水在今萬巒鄉萬和村李姓宗祠左側 , 並以此為中心 , 建設了萬巒庄 .  萬金開教則始於1861年 , 由西班牙道明會士郭德剛神父從高雄前金步行往返傳教 , 1863年建立第一座土塊聖堂 .  1984年7月20日 , 教宗若望保祿二世敕封高雄教會萬金莊聖母無染原罪大堂為宗座聖殿 , 內政部亦核定為屏東縣文化遺產第三號三級古蹟 , 每年12月8日舉行堂慶 .  萬金天主堂不僅見證天主教東傳的歷史 , 在台灣開拓的過程裡 , 也為閔 , 客 , 平埔族群由對立至融合 , 扮演了重要角色 .  During the early stages of land reclamation, the settlers moved to "the fairy's pool."  This spring is to the left of the Li Family's ancestral shrine in Wanhe Village, Wanluan Township.  It served as a focal point for what was then Wanluan Village.  

A Christian presence in Wanjin [Village] dates back to 1861, when the Spanish Dominican Father Guo De-gang came over from Kaohsiung.  In 1863 the Tukuai Church was established, and on July 20, 1984 Pope John Paul II consecrated the Wanjin Village Church of the Immaculate Conception as part of the Kaohsiung diocese.  The Ministry of the Interior also declared it a Level 3 cultural heritage site, and assigned it the number 3.  A celebration is held there on December 3rd of every year.  The Wanjin Church not only stands as testament to the history of Catholicism in the East, but has also brought together groups of settlers as diverse as the Minnanese (Hokkien), Hakka and plains-dwelling aborigines. 

五 , 古蹟維護保存與再利用 Five: Preservation of Historic Site and New Uses of Site

1. 發展觀光與維護環境之平衡 Balancing Tourism and Environmental Protection

五溝地區發展生態旅遊有兩大原則 , 一是不破壞環境 , 二是對當地居民的經濟生活有所幫助 .  為因應寵大旅客量造成生態環境與文化資源的衝擊 , 擬訂生態旅遊路線之選線原則 , 解說教育及社區合作等生態旅遊規範及行動計劃 , 以建立民眾與社區居民對環境的正向態度 , 讓觀光旅遊轉變為對環境負責的生態旅遊 , 是五溝鄉努力的目標 .  生態工法的施作 , 也是減少人為干優的一個可行方法 .  為保持生態環境之完整 , 以為持多樣化生物之生存權 , 須避免棲息地及遷徒路徑等之破壞 , 在尊重當地天然條件 , 及人為設施與環境不相衝突的前提下 , 妥適導入人類生活中的環境安全 .  There are two reasons for the development of ecotourism in the Wugou area.  The first reason is [a desire to] protect the environment, and the second is to help the local economy.  Because large numbers of tourists have an impact on both the environment and local cultural resources, eco-friendly routes were designed for tourists, and an action plan was devised to educate the community with regard to ecotourism and the importance of a positive attitude toward the natural environment.  

The goal of Wugou's tourism is the transformation of tourism into an environmentally responsible activity.  [The introduction of] ecological engineering methods is one way to reduce the impact of people on the natural environment.  In order to maintain the integrity of this natural environment, and prevent the destruction of both organisms and their habitats, the destruction of these habitats and migration paths must be avoided.  The local ecology must be respected, and man-made structures should not conflict with the environment.  This will ensure the sustainability of human activities. (8)


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