October - December 2020

1. If 如果

If I wasn't working right now I'd be at home, watching a movie.  I'd probably be watching a Bollywood movie, because I haven't seen a Bollywood movie in a while.  Bollywood movies can be fun if you're in the right mood. 現在沒上班的時間, 我會在家看影片.  因為很久沒看印度片了, 我目前大概看的是印度片 .  在特定的心情下, 其實印度片很有趣.

If I wasn't working tomorrow I'd be having a beer after work today.  As it is I DO have work tomorrow, so no beer for me! 如果我明天不用上班, 我今天晚上會喝啤酒.  可是我明天要上班, 所以不行.

If I didn't have work next week I'd be planning a trip to another part of Taiwan.  Maybe Taichung?  Jiayi? 如果我下禮拜不用上班, 我會考慮去外縣市玩.  可能是台中, 或是嘉義.

If Chinese New Year vacation was coming I'd be thinking about how to keep myself busy.  Too much unstructured time makes me depressed. 如果快放寒假了, 我會開始想我放假的時候要做什麼.  無所事事太久, 我的心情會變得很糟.

If COVID wasn't a thing I'd be thinking about going back to the States this summer.  Next year my sister will be having her first child, and I'd love to be there after that happens.  Unfortunately two weeks' quarantine after returning to Taiwan makes a trip back virtually impossible. 如果新冠肺炎不嚴重的話, 我會考慮這個暑假回去美國. 我妹妹快要生產了, 我想回去看看家人和她的寶寶, 可惜回來台灣之後要進行兩個禮拜的隔離, 所以應該沒辦法.

If Biden wins the election I'm going to be worried for Taiwan.  If Trump wins the election I'm going to be worried for the U.S.  I'm not sure which of the two candidates I dislike more.  If you ask me today I'll say Trump, but my answer might be different tomorrow. 美國大選到來, 如果拜登被選上, 我會擔心台灣的未來.  如果川普被選上, 我會擔心美國的未來.  我真不知道我比較不喜歡哪位候選人.  如果你今天問我, 我會回答川普, 可是明天有可能會回答拜登.

If the weather turns colder I'll be happy.  If it stays hot I'll be sad.  I'm tired of the heat. 如果天氣變冷點, 我會很開心.  如果繼續熱下去, 我會失望.  我對這麼長時間的熱氣厭煩了.

If work keeps going the way it's been going I'll be fine.  I've almost been here two months, and after the Reader's Theater competition and the sports days my job should be much easier. 如果我的工作繼續順利地進行, 未來也不會有問題.  我在這裡上班快兩個月了, 等到讀者劇場比賽跟兩所學校運動會過後, 我的工作一定會更順利.

If I finish typing (and translating) this by Friday, you'll be reading it on Monday.  But only if you happen upon this post that day.  And if you feel like reading it.  And if you're not too busy with your own job. 如果我禮拜五前把這文章寫完 (還有翻譯完) 的話, 你下禮拜一就可以看到.  如果你那一天注意到, 並且想讀.  如果你那一天不忙.

2. Pingtung in the News 屏東的新聞 (Central 中) 1

There are 29 townships, 3 municipalities and one city in Pingtung County.  It's exhausting to include news from every township, municipality and Pingtung City every time, so what I'll do instead is include news items from eleven different townships or municipalities in each entry.  This way I should be able to work my way through Pingtung County every three entries. 屏東縣包含了29個鄉, 3個鎮還有屏東市.  每次討論所有鄉鎮的新聞太累了, 所以我會每次討論11個鄉鎮的報告.  這樣子我每三篇新聞文章就會涵蓋到全縣內鄉鎮的新聞.

1. Majia Township 瑪家鄉

Two illegal houses were demolished in Majia Township.  The houses had a great significance for the local Rukai community, and aboriginal residents there showed up to protest the demolition.  Police removed several protesters from the scene, and one protester even attempted to set himself on fire. 屏東禮納里違建順利折除  20多抗議族人被抬離2人激動送醫

I'm still not sure what the "Slow City Alliance" does exactly, but the Majia Township Magistrate joined their yearly meeting. 台灣慢城聯盟年會  竹田 , 瑪家力拚入列

400 archers convened in Majia Township for a traditional archery competition. 400名射手集合  瑪家鄉傳統弓箭全國邀請賽今熱鬧登場

2. Wandan Township 萬丹鄉

Villagers in Wandan are protesting a proposed duck farm.  The proposed duck farm would exceed regulations pertaining to the size of such facilities and the number of ducks one can raise there.  A local representative stated that the duck farm hasn't been approved yet. 萬丹抗議建養鴨場  屏縣府 : 尚未核准

There are a lot of construction projects underway in Pingtung, most of which have to do with improving the local water supply.  These construction projects often result in traffic delays, and Wandan residents are blaming these delays on a lack of oversight with regard to the many companies in charge of these projects. 萬丹自來水埋管封路不斷  民眾抱怨施工草率

Wandan's Red Bean Festival was cancelled recently.  The Township Office claims this festival was cancelled to prevent the possible spread of COVID, but many suspect corruption is to blame. 防疫 ? 涉弊 ? 萬丹紅豆節今年停辦 (1)

3. Wanluan Township 萬巒鄉

Cheng De Community in Wanluan will be selling beauty products made from lemons. 香檬美麗變身  屏縣萬巒鄉成德社區發表農村保養品 (2)

Wanluan's Cocoa Bean Festival and Pig Feet Festival will be held this weekend. 萬巒好吃又好玩  24日可可節 , 豬腳節 (3)

A woman in Wanluan reached the age of 105.  Her relatives are encouraging her to take it easy. 萬巒105歲瑞賴李賢妹  四代同堂享天倫

4. Taiwu Township 泰武鄉

Traditional Paiwan carvings were displayed in Kaohsiung recently, and residents of Taiwu Township were in attendance there. 作能量原源不斷  屏東俖排灣  "原雕之美" 在駁二亮相 (3部影片)

The Pingtung County Government's Bureau of Cultural Affairs organizes many activities for tourists each year.  One such activity introduced tourists to historic churches along Pingtung's scenic Mountainside Highway.  One of the churches visited was a church in Taiwu Township. 社造走讀 "心" 體驗  感受專屬屏東的文化魅力 (4)

This news goes all the way back to August.  A rockslide blocked County Road 106 through Taiwu Township.  This is not surprising given its location. 巨石坍塌導致泰武鄉道路中斷  道路封鎖中

5. Chaojhou Municipality 潮州鎮

Chaojhou is getting A LOT of money to build an international-grade ice rink there.  They hope to host international competitions in the venue.  Who thought this was a good use of public funds? 斥資3.7億於屏東潮州打造國際賽事規格滑輪流冰場 (5)

Construction of the ice rink has already commenced to the west of Chaojhou's Exercise Park.  Long ago a lot of old military equipment was installed in that area, and local officials are hoping the new ice rink will draw tourists to the military equipment on display there. 國際級流冰場今動工  一旁退役軍備仍在潮州公園生鏽斑駁

Banners designed by the Chaojhou Municipality Office for Double Ten Day caught the eye of both locals and visitors during the holiday.  The Municipality Office will donate these banners to people for use as souvenirs. 國慶旗幟太漂亮  潮州鎮公所邀民眾捐款收藏

6. Xinyuan Township 新園鄉

Pingtung has been experiencing a water shortage for a while now.  Xinyuan recently went without water for a day. 屏東沿海新園鄉以南今夜停水1天  近6萬戶受影響

About a month ago the Xinyuan Township Office paid its respects to officers serving in that area. 屏東縣新園鄉公所敬軍  慰訪駐軍官兵

A fire broke out on the bed of the Kaoping River between Linyuan District in Kaohsiung City and Xinyuan Township in Pingtung County.  The area is near a protected black-faced spoonbill habitat. 高屏溪河床火警燃燒達百公尺  黑面琵鷺棲地無損

7. Kanding Township 崁頂鄉

A farmer in Kanding won first place in a national rice competition, and was even crowned "Rice King." 2020年度台灣好米米王  屏東崁頂鄉顏仙水奪冠

A truck struck a height restriction pole beneath a bridge in Kanding.  The driver had a lot of trouble getting assistance afterward, primarily due to the remoteness of the location. 悲催小貨車  撞斷偏僻路段 "限高架" 動彈不得一下午 (6)

A temple in Kanding had many leaves and twigs to dispose of after regular groundskeeping.  Previously the local government had collected the leaves and twigs without charge, but this year it demanded a fee for the service.  A local resident suggested that those responsible might be discriminating against the temple because it is a Taoist temple, and not a Buddhist one.  The local authorities denied this, claiming fees are imposed only when yard waste exceeds a certain amount. 清運樹枝要不要收費 ?  清潔隊 : 關鍵在數量

8. Laiyi Township 來義鄉

A man drowned while rivertracing in Laiyi.  He was later discovered in the pool beneath the Longxue Waterfall. 屏東來義鄉龍穴瀑布溯溪意外  一人溺斃

Aboriginal residents of Laiyi raised Taiwan's national flag during the Double Ten holiday, and reminisced over their time in the military. 來義南和軍人  "茁壯團隊" 發起國慶升旗遊行族人超感動

Chang Geng Hospital in Kaohsiung opened a special outpatient clinic in Laiyi to combat hepatitis C. 屏東來義鄉抗C肝  高雄長庚進駐開特別門診

9. Donggang Municipality 東港鎮

Jinsha Municipality in Jinmen and Donggang Municipality have been "sister townships" for 46 years.  A delegation from Donggang Municipality recently visited Jinsha to reaffirm this relationship. 姊妹鄉鎮締結46年  東港來訪金沙

A "famous tourist" parked his car in a private underground parking lot in Donggang, and was threatened with an iron rod.  Local police were called in, and they later stated that all such altercations will be investigated, and offenders will be prosecuted when necessary. 遊東港愛車暫停宮廟私地  取車驚見宮主持鐵棍厲聲斥責

The mayor of Donggang Municipality recently paid a visit to locally stationed Air Force personnel to thank them for both their service and for assistance with disaster relief during typhoons.  東港鎮秋節敬軍  慰訪屏東駐軍

10. Nanjhou Township 南州鄉

The Huashan Foundation recently held an activity at Tong An Elementary which brought local teachers and students in contact with the elderly. 守護天使大募集  南州鄉700師生銅板傳愛心 (7)

Water was also (suddenly) in short supply in Nanjhou Township, with some residents accusing the water utility of mismanagement. 無預警停水逾50小時  台水惹民怨

Here's an article introducing the stinky tofu sold in front of a temple in Nanjhou. 排隊也要吃 !  南州代天府廟口 "2人氣小吃"  金黃臭豆腐超酥脆

11. Xinpi Township 新埤鄉

There was a singing competition held in a temple in Xinpi.  屏東新埤鄉萬安慈善宮以歌會友  美聲歡樂落幕

A senior citizen's home was recently opened in Xinpi.  Over 22% of the people in that township are over age 65. 在地安老屏東新埤中心啟用  一國中學區一日照

Several professors, as part of a program to help revitalize the local economy, visited Nanjhou and Xinpi townships in an effort to help farmers promote local agricultural products. 正修USR助新埤小農  推廣紅龍果  蓮霧在地果產

3. Tastes

The taste of bad coffee.  Very sweet, and made from instant coffee powder.  The lady who runs the restaurant hands it over in small mugs, and then gives us plastic sleeves of creamer as if we hadn't just watched her mix the whole thing together.  We don't mind that it's bad coffee, because we knew it would be bad before we bought it.  And anyways the view across the road, into the greener parts of Manjhou, is beautiful.  It's a pleasant summer day, we've been driving around for hours, and the lady who made the coffee is telling us where kids around there go to school.

The taste of corn.  So much corn in all this food.  It's in everything except the bread.  We hadn't meant to come here.  We were looking for another place, a place nearby.  The woman behind the counter is very concerned about whether or not we enjoyed the food.  My wife politely tells her that there's too much corn in everything, and that Italian food shouldn't have so much corn.  At least the bread was good.  We look out the window, at the road into Pingtung City, and feel that we've paid too much for too little.  So.  Much.  Corn.

The taste of good pizza.  Sitting inside a too-warm restaurant, wanting a beer, but my wife is too tired to drive home after lunch.  One of my daughters is there, and there's a three-legged cat lying under a nearby table.  I try to be friendly with the owner, but he's a very shy person and evades most of my questions.  Outside, beyond a quiet park, the old Hengchun city wall absorbs heat from the sun.  Ah, a beer.  My kingdom for a beer.

The taste of a too-big bowl of noodles with peanut sauce.  The owner/cook sits at a table behind us.  He's talking to his grandson in Taiwanese.  His grandson does his best to respond in the same language, but he's obviously more comfortable with Mandarin.  The boy and his father have come over from Kaohsiung, a considerable distance from Gao Shu.

The taste of McDonald's.  Not great, but not terrible.  Sometimes you just have to drive up to Chaojhou and have McDonald's.  Sometimes you have to do it.  I wolf down my burger and fries like someone breaking a fast, while everyone in line stares at the American in the corner.  I wash the burger and fries down with a Coke.  I haven't had Coke in so long.

The taste of British beer.  Somehow they had the Hobgoblin IPA at the 7-11 in Fenggang, and I bought their entire stock.  I drink the cans over the course of a weekend, and when I finish the last of the cans I feel very sad.  Surely it's better NOT to have access to beer that good all the time.  Surely it's better to do without.  And yet, while visiting other 7-11s, I always look for that beer, hoping it will appear.

Ten thousand farms to raise the ten thousand chickens, ten thousand pigs and ten thousand fish.  Ten thousand other farms to grow the pineapples, mangoes and wax apples.  Ten thousand trucks to bring in all the bad coffee, excellent beer, and whatever it is that McDonald's can be accused of making.  Ten thousand cooks to cook the food, and ten thousand people to sell it.  Ten thousand people, like me, eating the food, eating and remembering places they've been, and drinking and singing songs too loud in the street.

And behind every dish a place, and in every place a thing happening.  Who's to say whether the memories come from the food, or the food from the memories?

4. 恆春漁樂線 Fishy Things to Do in Hengchun

The Chinese below was taken from "A New Appreciation of Fishing" 漁樂新視界.  The Chinese was written by 光啟社 and the English was written/translated by me.  There will be four of these entries, covering the ports in Pingtung County.

Fishy Things to Do in Hengchun (1)

恆春位於屏東縣恆春半島南端, 是台灣最南端的鄉鎮, 也是台灣 "兩隻腳" 的所在地, 由於這裡氣候暖, 四季如春, 因而稱為 "恆春".  這裡是台灣海峽, 巴士海峽, 太平洋等海域的匯集之處, 漁業資源相當豐富. Hengchun is located at the southern tip of Pingtung's [part of the] Hengchun Peninsula.  It is the southernmost municipality in Taiwan, and also where Taiwan's "little feet" are to be found.  The weather here is warm, and resembles spring year-round.  For this reason it was named "Perpetual Spring" (Hengchun).  It is a place where the Taiwan Strait, the Bashi Channel and the Pacific Ocean meet.  Its fisheries are exceptionally productive.

恆春地區屬於熱帶性氣候, 濱海地區蘊藏著豐富的珊瑚地形, 漁業資源充足, 生物多樣性高, 海洋休閒體驗可是在恆春處處都可以看見喔!  你可以縱身跳入海裡欣賞精彩的海底世界, 如果不想弄濕身體, 半潛艇一樣可以滿足好奇的你, 或是來到港邊, 大快朵頤便宜又好吃的海產, 生魚片, 保證讓你物超所值! The Hengchun area enjoys a tropical climate, and the coastline is both rich in coral and an excellent source of fish.  There are many species to be found here, and ocean-based leisure activities can be engaged in all over Hengchun.  You can jump right into the ocean, and enjoy a colorful underwater world.  If you don't want to get wet however, you can either hop on a glass-bottomed boat or visit a local port, where you can enjoy quality seafood and sashimi for a reasonable price.  You're guaranteed to get a good deal!

How to go?

如果是從西半部下恆春的朋友, 可以利用國道三號下南州交流道, 順著指標直走到墾丁, 也可以從國道一號走到底, 接台17線往墾丁.  如果是從東半部下恆春的朋友, 可以沿台9線至達仁右轉續行前往楓港, 再由楓港南循台26線一路南下, 即可抵達恆春. Friends traveling south to Hengchun on the west coast can use the Formosa Freeway (#3), and exit using the Nanjhou exit.  You then follow the signs toward Kenting.  You can also follow Highway 17 from the end of the Jung Shan Freeway (#1), and from there head toward Kenting.  If you are travelling to Hengchun from the east coast, you can follow Highway 9 (the Southern Cross-Island Highway) from Daren, and from there drive to Fenggang, where this road leads south to Highway 26.  This [route] also leads to Hengchun.(2)

Memories in the Making

國立海洋生物博物館 The National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium

想要認識 "海洋", 來到這裡準沒錯!  博物館共分為台灣水域館, 珊瑚王國館及世界水域館等三個展示館, 結合了教育, 學術, 保育層面, 更整合了社區性, 娛樂性, 國際性等全方位的領域, 不管是大朋友小朋友, 都能用最自然輕鬆的方式, 真正認識海洋的奧秘. Anyone wanting to learn about the ocean should come here!  The aquarium is divided into three exhibition halls, which are: the Taiwan Waters Hall, the Coral Kingdom and the Waters of the World Hall.  This aquarium integrates education, academic study and conservation.  It also brings together communities, entertainment, internationalism and many other things.  It doesn't matter whether you're young or old, you can come here and absorb real knowledge of ocean mysteries with very little effort. (3)

萬里桐 Wan Li Tong

電影海角七號阿嘉坐在海邊的地方就是萬里桐喔!  萬里桐位於石珠和蟳廣嘴之間的小村落, 海面十公尺以下可看到海中石洞, 石穴, 拱門等多變的地形景觀, 多樣的生態環境成為墾丁國家公園境內潛水的熱門地點. The stretch  of coastline where A-jia sits in the movie Cape No. 7 is Wan Li Tong!  Wan Li Tong is a small village located between Shr Ju and Shun Guang Dzuei.  Just ten meters from shore you can see a varied underwater topography which includes caves, depressions and arches.  This diverse ecological environment has become a popular diving spot in Kenting National Park. (4)

白沙灣 White Sands Bay

白沙灣是由海洋生物殼體所組成的貝殼沙灘, 沙粒均勻, 晶瑩明亮, 全年都適合游泳, 潛水帆船, 騎水上摩托車等海上活動.  陸上則可烤肉, 露營, 在自行車步道上享受騎車建行的樂趣, 秋冬時節可看夕陽沈入海中, 夜晚也是觀星的好去處. White Sands Bay is a beach composed of crushed shell.  The sand is bright and evenly distributed, and suitable for swimming, diving, kayaking, riding jet skis and other ocean-based activities year-round.  On the beach you can barbecue, camp, and enjoy local bike trails.  In the fall and winter evenings you can watch the sun descend into the ocean, and at night you can gaze at the stars. (5)

紅柴坑 Hong Chai Keng

紅柴坑位於恆春半島西海岸, 這裡蘊藏各式各樣的珊瑚, 五顏六色的熱帶魚以及千變萬化的海底地形, 景觀非常豐富; 這裡還有提供生態觀察的 "海底觀光綺玻璃半潛艇", 讓遊客盡情欣賞其麗的海底世界. Hong Chai Keng is located on the west coast of the Hengchun Peninsula.  Every type of coral is to be found here, as is every color of tropical fish, and a continually changing underwater topography.  The area is rich in biodiversity, and while there visiting tourists should take a trip on a glass-bottomed boat so they can enjoy the underwater world beneath them.

後壁湖遊艇碼頭 Hou Bi Hu Yacht Wharf

後壁湖遊艇碼頭是台灣地區頗具規模的遊艇碼頭, 也為恆春半島上最大的漁港, 多數玩家會在此搭乖海底觀光半潛艇或從事潛水, 海釣等多項海上活動, 已成為墾丁著名的地標, 來到這裡立刻可以聞到渡假的氣息. Hou Bi Hu Yacht Wharf is a large-scale yacht wharf.  It's also the biggest fishing port on the Hengchun Peninsula.  Many tourists board glass-bottom boats, dive, fish or engage in other activities here.  It has already become an important destination in Kenting, and visiting this place always feels like being on vacation.

後壁湖海洋資源保護示範區 Hou Bi Hu Ocean Resource Protected Viewing Area

位於南灣與貓鼻頭兩地間的巴士海峽內, 2005年成立, 總面積約180公頃.  該海域為保護生物多樣性而建立的保護區, 並以海膽的保護為起始, 而後擴及至所有海洋生物的全面保護.  Located on the Bashi Channel between Nanwan and Mao Bi Tou, the [Hou Bi Hu Ocean Resource Protected Viewing Area] was established in 2005.  It covers about 180 hectares, and this area was created to protect the area's biodiversity.  Conservation efforts began with sea urchins, and were later expanded to include all marine life in that area.

船帆石 Chuan Fan Rock (6)

由墾丁街向南行的途中就會看到, 蔚藍的海面上聳立了一顆高約18公尺, 形似帆船的巨大珊瑚石, 這就是 "船帆石".  此海域聚集了豐富的生物資源, 也是當地浮潛與獨木丹的活動地點. As you travel south from Kenting's "Big Street," you'll see an 18 meter-tall coral stone standing above the azure sea.  This is "Chuan Fan Rock."  The fisheries in this area are rich, and it's also a site for snorkeling and kayaking.

後壁湖漁港鮮魚區 Hou Bi Hu Fishing Port's Fresh Seafood Zone

來到墾丁要去哪裡吃便宜又好吃的海鮮呢?  推薦大家可以到後壁湖漁港報到喔!  在區漁會樓下, 有一排整齊畫一的 "鮮魚區" , 各式海產料理與生魚片, 琳琅滿目.  另外, 如果是飛魚季節的話 (4-7月) , 那更不能錯過飛魚的美味! Where can [visitors] to Kenting get cheap and delicious seafood?  Everyone should report to the Hou Bi Hu Fresh Seafood Zone, located just below the local fishing association's headquarters.  There is a neatly designated "fresh fish zone," which offers every kind of seafood and sashimi.  If it's flying fish season (April to July), you won't be able to pass up the great taste of flying fish!

5. Roaming Around Chun Rh Township 春日鄉三天遊

Chun Rh Township is east of Fangliao.  It has a small population relative to its size.  Many of the residents of Chun Rh are members of the Paiwan Tribe, and the history of Chinese settlement in this area doesn't go back very far. 春日鄉位於枋寮的東部.  以春日的面積來看, 這裡人口很少.  這裡的居民大部分是排灣族; 中國人移墾春日的歷史不長.

According to the last census, there are 4,936 people living in Chun Rh. 上次的人口統計顯示春日的人口是4,936人.

The Jinshuiying Historic Trail goes right through the middle of Chun Rh Township.  Mountains, mountains and more mountains.  This trail goes all the way to Taitung, on the other side of the island. 浸水營古道經過春日的中部.  這條古道可以走到臺灣另外一邊的台東.

At the northwestern corner of Chun Rh is the village of Guei Chong.  It's a sleepy little town. 春日西北部有歸崇村.  真是個寂靜的小鄉村.

That's Laiyi Township across the river. 溪的另外一邊就是來義鄉.

Lili Village is east of Guei Chong.  There's a popular trailhead near here. 力里村位於歸崇的東部.  這附近有個很熱門的登山口.

At the southwest corner of Chun Rh Township is Chun Rh Village.  It's the biggest village in Chun Rh Township. 春日鄉的西南部有春日村.  春日村是春日鄉最大的村.

In Chun Rh Village you'll find Kasuga's Kitchen, one of the best restaurants in central Pingtung. 春日廚房在春日村裡面.  是屏東中部最好吃的餐廳的其中一家.

6. Hey Pingtung 屏東好

Hey Pingtung, 屏東好.

I know you like your morning egg roll in the  laminated paper box, with the disposable wooden chopsticks in the plastic sleeve. I know you love your morning milk tea in the paper cup, with the plastic lid and the plastic straw.  But maybe, just maybe, when you've finished your breakfast, you could refrain from throwing your garbage on the road? Maybe you could find a better place to throw it away? 我知道你早上喜歡用免洗筷吃紙盒裡的蛋餅.  也知道你早上喜歡用吸管喝紙杯裡的奶茶.  可是吃完早餐之後, 可不可以不要把你的垃圾丟在路邊?  可不可以找一個對的地方丟?

What's up Pingtung, 屏東, 最近好嗎?

I know you want to grow more vegetables, and also more fruit.  I know you want to make more money, and with hard work (and a bit of luck) you will.  But maybe, just maybe leave some of the trees where they are?  Maybe don't farm SO deep into the mountains?  The trees make the air we breathe, and it's nice to have a few of them around. 我知道你想種更多蔬菜和水果.  也知道你想努力賺錢, 隨著你辛勤的工作與些許的運氣,  你的蔬菜水果都可以賣出去.  但是可不可以在山區多留些樹?  也許不要深入山區開墾?  樹忙著幫我們製造呼吸的空氣, 有它們在我們周遭是滿好的事.

How you doing, Pingtung? 屏東, 你最近如何?

I know you like to load people on the back of your truck on the way to the fields.  I know your truck is very fast, and that doing 100 km up the hill to Gueichong seems like a good idea.  But did you ever think of what might happen if you hit something on your way up that hill?  Did you ever think of what might happen to those people sitting in the back? 我知道你喜歡有人坐在你的卡車後面.  也知道你的卡車可以跑很快, 開時速100公里上去歸崇沒問題.  可是你有沒有想過, 開那麼快如果撞到東西會發生什麼事?  有沒有想過坐在卡車後面的人會怎樣?

Hey there Pingtung, 屏東好.

I know that having your helmet on too long gives you a headache.  I know you just got a haircut, or had your hair straightened, and you don't want to mess up your hair by putting on a helmet.  But have you ever flown off a scooter at high speed?  Have you ever been hit by a car?  I have, and let me tell you it can hurt. 我知道安全帽太久會頭痛.  我也知道你剛剪髮或是燙頭髮, 所以不要戴安全帽壓壞髮型.  可是你有"雷殘"或是被車撞到的經驗嗎?   我有過. 告訴你,  真的很痛.

Good afternoon Pingtung, 屏東, 午安.

I know that sometimes you're in a hurry, and that sometimes there's nowhere to park.  I know you've had a long day, and there are still many things to do. I also know that your kids are crying in the back seat, and your mom's in a hurry to get to the doctor.  But maybe next time don't park your car in the middle of the road? Maybe next time find a safer spot to leave it? 我知道你有時候趕時間, 有時候找不到停車位.  我知道你很累, 還有很多事要做.  我也知道你的孩子在後座哭, 你的媽媽要趕到診所看醫生.  但是請你不要把車停在馬路中間好嗎?  下次找一個比較安全的地方停好嗎?

Nice to see you, Pingtung, 屏東, 很高興看到你.

I know it's easier to hold your baby in the front seat of the car.  I know you don't want to spend the money on a car seat, and you're a very good driver, so there's nothing to worry about, right?  But did you ever think that somewhere there's a mother missing her baby, who once thought the same thing? 我知道你孩子坐前座比較方便.  我知道你不想花錢買兒童汽車座椅. 你是個好駕駛, 所以沒有什麼好緊張的, 不是嗎?  可是你有沒有想過, 在某個地方有某個失去寶寶的媽媽, 以前也抱持著這種想法?

Pingtung? 屏東聽到了嗎?

I know you often think that other cities and counties are richer, more important, more beautiful or more loved than you are, but I think that for the most part you're good the way you are.  And even if you can be richer, more important, more beautiful and more loved, being so starts with little things, things like not littering, not cutting down all the trees, not carrying passengers on truck beds, not riding a scooter without a helmet, not blocking traffic and not holding your baby in the front seat. 我知道你通常覺得外縣市比較有錢, 比較重要, 比較美, 也比較受到大家喜愛, 可是我覺得你已經很好了.  你當然可以比較有錢, 比較重要, 比較美也可以受到更多的喜愛, 可是這要從小事開始, 例如: 勿亂丟垃圾, 保護所有的樹, 沒有人坐在卡車後面, 騎摩托車要戴安全帽, 停車不擋住車道, 還有不抱孩子坐前座.

Just give it a try, Pingtung.  See you again tomorrow. 屏東, 你試試看.  明天見.

7. Pingtung in the News 屏東的新聞 (South 南) 1

There are 29 townships, 3 municipalities and one city in Pingtung County.  It's exhausting to include news from every township, municipality and Pingtung City every time, so what I'll do instead is include news items from eleven different townships or municipalities in each entry.  This way I should be able to work my way through Pingtung County every three entries. 屏東縣包含了29個鄉, 3個鎮還有屏東市.  每次討論所有鄉鎮的新聞太累了, 所以我會每次討論11個鄉鎮的報告.  這樣子我每三篇新聞文章就會涵蓋到全縣內鄉鎮的新聞.

Oh, and I live in south Pingtung.  Perhaps I'll have more to say about these news items? 我住在屏東的南部.  有可能我對這些新聞報告比較關心這些新聞.

1. Linbian Township 林邊鄉

1a. A recent typhoon brought a lot of rain to both Linbian and Jiadong Townships. Military personnel were called in to assist with disaster relief efforts, and business at Linbian's night market suffered as a result of the inclement weather.  閃電襲南台灣!  林邊 , 佳冬夜晚雨勢增強優閃電挾大量雨勢  八軍團八十兵力待命戒備林邊廟口夜市不見人潮  攤販業績恐少三成 (1)

1b. The "Commander of the 4th Combat Area" recently visited Linbian, Jiadong and Hengchun to inspect the readiness of locally stationed troops in terms of disaster relief. 第4作戰區指揮官慰勉預置兵力部隊官兵 (2)

1c. An unlicensed driver struck and critically injured a man driving construction (or farming?) equipment on a local road.  Both the unlicensed driver and a man who rented him the vehicle he was driving were ordered by a judge to pay a hefty fine.  無照開車釀死亡車禍  租車和開車的判連帶賠償435萬 (3)

2. Jiadong Township 佳冬鄉

2a. Yanwen Village in Jiadong is prone to flooding, so people there started their water pumps in advance of the approaching typhoon. 嚴防颱風雨勢  佳冬鄉燄溫村抽水機先啟動牆上紀錄淹水高度  燄溫村遇颱風損失慘重  今年首陸颱風  村民戒備提前做防颱準備

2b. Here are some (small) pictures of a historic site in Jiadong.  If you're in the area you could stop by and visit some of the old Hakka buildings there, but if you're not already in the area I wouldn't bother. 屏東佳冬六根詩人步道的古蹟

2c. Is there a better way to say "ban tiao" in English?  Whatever it is, "ban tiao," a type of noodle dish popular among Hakka people, is made a little bit differently at one of Jiadong's many "ban tiao" restaurants. 屏東佳冬粄條 "海味" 與眾不同  六堆地區中唯一口味

3. Fangliao Township 枋寮鄉

3a. For whatever it's worth, Fangliao was recently recognized as a "classic town" by the Ministry of Transportation.  Fangliao Train Station was also upgraded from a third tier to a second tier station, meaning that more trains will be stopping there. 獲選經典小鎮又車站升等  屏東枋寮鄉雙喜臨門 (4)

3b. This is interesting.  A company installing solar panels in a remote area discovered an old fortification erected during the Japanese Imperial Administration.  Some want to preserve it, while others claim that it's too large for such preservation. 枋寮鄉日治軍事遺跡石頭營保存爭議  各方看法不同 (5)

3c. Has Fangliao's F3 Arts Village project been abandoned?  The local township office says no, and that work on restoring/renovating this area will begin again next year. 枋寮藝術村成廢墟 ?  公所 : 預計今年底重啟 (6)

4. Chun Rh Township 春日鄉

4a. Since that old Japanese fortification is right on the border between Fangliao and Chun Rh townships, here's another article about the preservation of that site.  This article has better pictures. 逃過戰火卻死於怪手 ?  屏東石頭營遭破壞  看菲律賓如何保存軍事遺跡

4b. A coffee bean picking activity was recently held in Chun Rh. 185縣道咖啡那麼的香 -- 探索出熱的咖啡原鄉採豆體驗活動 (7)

4c. The Pingtung County Government recently celebrated the diamond anniversaries of several local married couples.  One of these couples live in Chun Rh Township. 重陽敬老讚欑鑽石婚表揚

5. Fangshan Township 枋山鄉

5a. You know that 7-11 with the "dolphin arch?"  A lot of garbage piles up on the beach near there.  A beach clean-up activity was recently held in the area. 台1線屏東枋山海岸熱點  淨灘清出552公斤垃圾 (8)

5b. During the above-mentioned typhoon, all of the schools and government offices from Fangshan south closed for the day. 閃電颱風來襲  屏東縣府宣布恆春等六個鄉鎮停班停課

5c. Two "online friends," one from Hualien and another from Fangshan, made an appointment to meet in Fangshan.  After failing to find their online friend, the other friend called 911.  After a search, the other person was discovered in a state of "mental distress."  This person was later taken to the hospital. 與網友相約枋山沙灘見面  不見人影獨見衣物 ... 海巡警消找到人 (9)

6. Shrdze Township獅子鄉

6a. A resident of Shrdze died unexpectedly at the age of 23.  The family of the deceased is very poor, and was unable to afford a funeral.  Local police donated money to help the family with the burial. 獅子鄉青年23歲驟逝  方警結合民間善心人士大愛助處理後事

6b. Private companies are investing heavily in the development of solar power in south Taiwan, and Shrdze Township is one of the many areas where they're trying to install solar panels.  In the case of Shrdze Township, the planned development encroaches upon protected land. 8年砸2.4億要在保育區種綠電  南台灣土地重劃大王每年收租賺2000萬 (10)

6c. This article introduces some local attractions, one of which, Shuangliu Forest Recreation Area, is in Shrdze Township. 台灣4大溫泉之一在屏東 !  探索浪漫溫泉公園 , 日本皇室欽點的美人湯 (11)

7. Checheng Township 車城鄉

7a. A man was robbing temples in the Checheng area.  He has since been apprehended by police. 屏東香油錢大盜車城落網  誇張破壞行徑全被拍下 (12)

7b. The new dormitory at Checheng Elementary School was opened recently, and the Pingtung County Magistrate, a graduate of the school, was on hand for the opening. 屏東車城國小新校舍啟用  縣長潘孟安回母校備感溫馨 (13)

7c. Down in Checheng and Hengchun townships, where the typhoon was a lot stronger, over 10,000 homes went without power. 颱風砍倒鷹架砸車  恆春 , 車城萬戶停電

8. Mudan Township 牡丹鄉

8a. Anthropology at work?  A group of totem poles were installed around Mudan Reservoir long ago.  These totem poles, carved by a local artist and rendered in the traditional Paiwan style, depict ancestor spirits with exposed genitals.  Local residents, viewing these totem poles as "indecent," covered the genitals with skirts.  An argument centering around these skirts has involved the Mudan Township Office and various other groups. 為祖靈圖騰穿裙  屏東牡丹鄉舌戰 (14)

8b. Here's an article introducing Syuhai Hot Spring.  It doesn't get much more remote than that place. 屏東旭海溫泉山巒環抱  浪漫燈海夜景夢幻 (15)

8c. On the eve of Chong Yang Festival, a meal was cooked for residents of Mudan Township over the age of 75.  The cooking was supervised by a chef from Mudan Bay Villa Resort. "職場人語" 暖心煮義  牡丹灣Villa行政主廚李建德

9. Manjhou Township 滿洲鄉

9a. A man piloting a boat from Shing Hai Port in Manjhou went missing at the end of last month.  His boat was later found drifting off the coast near Dawu, in Taitung. 協尋 !  屏東滿州興海港漁民  出海失蹤一天僅留船

9b. An expert on parent-child education recently visited Manjhou Elementary School to talk about character building education. 親子專家奔波4百公里  促滿州親子教育功能最大化 (16)

9c. Here's an article on some "undiscovered" tourist spots in Pingtung.  Among these tourist spots is the place with the sand dunes (Gang Dzai Village) in Manjhou. "2020屏東景點推薦"  屏東才不只墾丁好玩 !  公開12處絕美私房景點 , 讓外地人超羨慕啊

10. Hengchun Municipality 恆春鎮

10a. Plans for a scenic railway in Hengchun were recently stalled by the national government, which thinks the potential economic and other benefits of such a railway don't justify the money, time and trouble required to build it.  I think the Executive Yuan is right on this one, but many residents of Hengchun are outraged over the decision.  Some are even demanding that the government start building an expressway to alleviate traffic in the area. 恆春觀光鐵道變幻影  屏東鄉親爭屏南快速道路 (17)

10b. The Shipai (Stone Tablet) Park was renovated four years ago, but fell into disuse soon after.  The Hengchun Municipality Office has plans to make it available to the local indigent population. 石牌公園 "展館" 閒置多時疑遭破窗占據  恆春鎮公所計畫轉型公益用

10c. A man fell into the sea and disappeared.  Emergency personnel were unable to find him. 恆春男子落海失蹤未尋獲  搜救人員持續搜尋

11. Liuqiu Township 琉球鄉

11a. Xiaoliuqiu is trying to reduce carbon emissions by subsidizing a switch from gasoline-powered scooters to electric-powered scooters.  Scooter rentals are a big source of income for many residents on the island. 小琉球推低碳旅遊成效欠佳  上萬部燃油機車滿街跑 (18)

11b. Vase Rock on Xiaoliuqiu is an extremely popular place to take pictures.  Recently a tourist attempting to take pictures of it fell in between the "wave-breaking structures" next to the stairs and hit his head. 尷尬 !  男遊客小琉球自拍美照  踩空跌落堤防 (19)

11c. The Sha Ma Ji Campground, once a popular spot for weddings, was recently shut down.  Many people voiced regret over the closure. 曾辦 "海島集團婚禮" 帶動觀光  小琉球露營區停擺讓人嘆惜

8. Smells

A good smell: the smell of stewed pork. 

     But inside that smell

          The smell of pigs (terrible),

          The smell of soy sauce (comforting),

          The smell of cooking oil (neither good nor bad).

A bad smell: the ditch between the pineapple field and the cemetery.

     But inside that smell

          The smell of chickens (horrid),

          The smell of pineapples (nice),

          The smell of trees (refreshing),

          The smell of chemicals (unhealthy).

A good smell: the kittens I just washed.

     But inside that smell

          The smell of the milk they drank (nauseating),

          The smell of their freshly cleaned fur (familiar),

          The smell of their cage (pungent),

          The smell of their blanket, also freshly washed (nostalgic).

Leading me, of course, to the inevitable conclusion

That there are neither good smells nor bad.

For inside every good smell

Is a bad smell,

And inside every bad smell

Is a good smell.

Good or bad; bad or good?

One day, far away from home or far removed in time,

You might well find

That good and bad have changed places.

9. 琉球漁樂線 Fishy Things to Do on Xiaoliuqiu

The Chinese below was taken from "A New Appreciation of Fishing" 漁樂新視界.  The Chinese was written by 光啟社 and the English was written/translated by me.  There will be four of these entries, covering the ports in Pingtung County.

Fishy Things to Do on Xiaoliuqiu (1)

小琉球, 位於高屏溪口的西南方, 距離屏東縣東港鎮約14公里, 屬於一個珍貴的珊瑚礁島嶼, 由於不受東北幾集季風的影響, 因此一年四季的氣候都相當溫暖宜人. Xiaoliuqiu is located to the southeast of where the Kaoping River meets the sea.  It's 14 km from Donggang Municipality, in Pingtung County.  This beautiful coral island lies beyond the reach of the northeastern monsoon winds, and the climate is very warm and pleasant year-round.

這裡的海水清澈見底, 並發展出各項精采的親海旅程, 你可以到潮間帶認識多樣精采的動植物種, 或是搭乘半潛艇觀光船, 從水面上到水面下, 欣賞不同的海底世界, 小琉球的美麗值得大家前來探掘它迷人的魔力. The ocean here is crystal clear, and there are many ways in which to explore it.  You can delve into the intertidal zone and learn about many species of animals and plants, or you can board a glass-bottomed boat and enjoy the underwater world beneath you.  The beauty of Xiaoliuqiu entices everyone to come and enjoy it.

How to go?

到小琉球需至東港搭乘船班, 每班船的航行時間約30分鐘就可以到達, 由於有分公營和民營兩種, 開始時間有所不同, 因此, 詳細的船班資訊可以到 (小琉球觀光旅遊資訊網) 查詢. To get to Xiaoliuqiu you need to take a ferry from Donggang.  The ferry trip takes about 30 minutes.  Because there are both public and private ferries the departure time varies, and for exact departure times you should consult the Xiaoliuqui Tourism Information Network. (2)

Memories in the Making

白沙觀光港 Bai Sha Sightseeing Port

白沙觀光港為遊客進出之主要港口, 緊鄰海岸線優美的中澳沙灘, 深具遊憩價值, 港區內還提供海上環島船以及海底半潛艇, 給遊客多樣化的環島新選擇. Bai Sha Sightseeing Port is the main point of entry for tourists.  It's close to the beautiful coastline and is indispensable to visitors.  At the port you can embark on tours around the island, and ride on glass-bottomed boats.  [This port] gives tourists new ways to experience Xiaoliuqiu. (3)

三鬼傳奇 The Legend of the "Three Ghosts"

三鬼不是鬼, 而是小琉球最具特色的指標喔!  包括當地時常捕獲的魚種 "鬼頭刀", 生長在珊瑚礁細砂間俗稱 "土鬼" 的雲雀殼菜蛤, 以及位於小琉球西南處的 "烏鬼洞", 合稱三鬼傳奇是新鮮海產與歷史文化結合的在地特色! The "three ghosts" are not really ghosts, but rather three things always associated with Xiaoliuqiu.  These three things are the mahi-mahi which are often caught there, a type of mussel known as the "dirt ghost," which grows in fine grained sand near coral reefs, and Wu Guei Cave, which is located on the southwest coast of the island.  Together these three "ghosts" combine seafood, history and culture to give the island its unique character! (4)

蛤板灣 Ha Ban Bay

小琉球當地居民又稱這裡為 "威尼斯沙灘".  屬於堆積地形的貝殼砂沙灘, 白淨的沙灘, 碧藍的海水, 非常適合浮潛, 戲水及潮間帶活動, 遊客也可在此近距離欣賞各式美麗貝殼和浪漫星砂. People on Xiaoliuqiu call this place "Venice Beach."  This beach is shaped like a clam shell, has white sand, and the turquoise waters off the beach are great for snorkeling, swimming and other aquatic activities.  Tourists can also enjoy the shells and sparkling sand there. (7)

美人洞風景區 The Beauty's Cave Scenic Area

美人洞位於小琉球西北角, 從這裡的制高點望海一看, 還可以發現沙瑪基外海的箱網養殖, 美景不在話下, 風景區內計有十三景, 各有千秋, 獨具天然風趣, 值得遊客細細玩賞.  The Beauty's Cave is located at the northwest corner of Xiaoliuqiu.  If you look down at the sea from the highest point there, you can see the nets used to raise fish off the coast.  The scenery is beautiful beyond words, and this scenic area has 13 scenic spots in total.  Each scenic spot has its own merits and natural beauty.  It's a place worth investigating in detail.

杉福生態廊道 Shan Fu Ecological Corridor

杉福生態廊道位於小琉球西岸的杉福漁港北側, 由廢棄的軍事基地改建而成, 漫步於此就能欣賞小琉球當地魚類的石雕圖像及軍事砲台遺跡.  走出步道, 迎面而來的是美麗的山海景色, 自然景觀美不勝收. The Shan Fu Ecological Corridor is located near the north side of Shan Fu Fishing Port, on the west coast of the island.  It was converted from an abandoned military base, and those strolling through this area can enjoy the stone fish carvings and the old gun emplacements [preserved there].  A walk along the trail reveals a beautiful view of both the mountains and the sea, and the wonder of the natural setting might just leave you speechless.

厚石群礁 The Hou Shr Reefs

這裡的沿岸是綿延不絕的珊瑚裙礁, 在裙礁內則是大片平坦的海蝕平台, 怪石嶙峋, 與其他景點的景觀截然不同.  在這裡你可以發現許多有趣的巨石, 如觀音岩, 爬山虎岩, 山豬岩, 紅番岩, 老鷹岩等, 考驗你的眼力, 看看可以找到幾顆?  The coastline here is an endless expanse of coral reefs.  Within the reefs are large platforms from which to view the eroding coastline.  This strange, rocky place offers an experience very different from other scenic spots.  In this place you can discover many interesting giant rocks, including Kuanyin Rock, Japanese Ivy Rock, Boar Rock, Red "Fan" Rock, Eagle Rock and many others.  Test your eyes and see how many strange rocks you can find! (8)

蜂巢蝦 Bee's Nest Shrimp

人氣強強滾的小琉球必點美食就是這一道, 裹粉酥炸的去殼蝦條, 軟嫩適中, 怡到好處, 上面類似蜂巢狀的東西則是利用鴨蛋加麵粉的蛋液下去炸的, 來回甩蛋液的技術需要功夫才可以完成, 口感與層次在這道菜當中可以完全展現出來. This is the delicacy that EVERYONE visiting Xiaoliuqiu should try.  The shrimp are shelled, coated with batter, and fried until they are very tender and delicious.  The honeycomb-like coating around them is made by frying duck egg yolk with flour.  The technique of tossing the duck egg yolk back and forth takes time to perfect, but it contributes a lot to the both the taste and layering of this dish. (5)

魷魚小封肉 Squid and Pork

魷魚小封肉又叫 "魷香紅麴東坡肉", 是一道非常道地的鄉土料理, 可是小琉球人, 家家戶戶都會做的一道菜, 非常下飯的古早味, 這道菜最特別的是利用厚切的魷魚塊下去滷製, 吃起來口口滿足, 自然的Q嫩口感, 和著三層肉油脂一起化開, 是所有遊客吃過後, 相當讚賞的一道菜色.  This squid and pork dish is also called "savory squid and red yeast Dong Po Pork."  It is a very "local" dish, that every family on Xiaoliuqiu cooks and enjoys.  It has a very traditional flavor, and the most unique thing about it is the thick cuts of squid, marinated in a [special] sauce.  It has an exceptionally satisfying taste, is very tender, and is cooked in three layers of [pork] fat.  It's a dish that all tourists come to appreciate. (6)

10. Walking Around Liuqiu Township 走路一日環島琉球鄉

It was a dark, dark day on Xiaoliuqiu, so please be aware that the places pictured below are twice as scenic when the sun is out.  When we visited there were less tourists, but I couldn't help but feel a little sad at the absence of blue sky and blue water. 我們在小琉球那天雲層很厚.  因此請你知道, 太陽出來的時候, 小琉球的風景會比照片上的美上二倍不止.  我們在那裡的時候觀光客不多, 但是沒有藍天和藍色的海的小琉球讓我有一點失望.

Xiaoliuqiu is off the coast of Donggang, so close that you can see it from the ferry terminal on a clear day.  The ferry ride from Donggang to Xiaoliuqiu takes about thirty minutes, and ferries leave for most of the day. 小琉球位於東港南部.  晴天的時候可以從東港的港口看到小琉球.  從東港坐船到小琉球要30分鐘, 白天都有船可以坐.

If you're visiting Xiaoliuqiu, be aware that people scalp ferry tickets near the ferry terminal in Donggang.  Buying from (and perhaps even bargaining with) one of these scalpers can save you money. 要去小琉球的讀者應該知道, 東港漁港附近有人在路邊賣船票.  從他們手上買票比較便宜(應該可以跟他們講價吧.).  

At 6.8 square kilometres, Liuqiu Township is both one of the smallest townships in Pingtung and also one of the most densely populated.  According to the last census, 12,117 people live there. 6.8平方公里的小琉球是屏東縣最小鄉鎮中的其中一個, 也是人口密度最高的.  上次的人口統計顯示小琉球的人口是12,117人.

After arriving at Baisha Sightseeing Port, we decided to walk around the island.  We'd checked a map beforehand, and knew that Xiaoliuqiu is about 12 km around.  The picture above was taken in "downtown" Xiaoliuqiu, an area adjacent to the port.  We started our big walk there. 我們到白沙觀光港之後決定走路環島.  我們出發前參考了地圖, 知道環島的路線差不多12公里.  上面的照片是在觀光港附近的市區拍的.  我們從那邊開始走.

Baisha Sightseeing Port is one of two ports on the island.  Most residents arrive at another, less scenic port southeast of here. 白沙觀光港是小琉球兩個港口的其中一個.  大部分的居民使用東南邊風景沒那麼好的港口. (1)

From the port, we walked clockwise around Xiaoliuqiu.  Vase Rock, undoubtedly the most photographed spot on Xiaoliuqiu, was our first stop. 從港口開始, 我們順時針環島, 第一站就是被成千上萬的人拍過的花瓶石.

From Vase Walk it's a short trek to The Beauty's Cave, a scenic area that charges an entrance fee.  Be sure to buy the pass for all of the scenic areas at the first place you visit.  It'll save you money. 美人洞離花瓶石很近.  這個風景區要買門票.  在第一個參觀的風景區買套票比較好.  比較划算.

One thing I dislike about Xiaoliuqiu is the fact that swimming is difficult there.  The reefs encircling the island are very close to the shore, and even though diving spots are plentiful it's not a convenient place to swim. 我不喜歡小琉球的部分是游泳不方便.  環繞島嶼的珊瑚礁很靠近陸地.  對潛水來說是很好的事, 但對游泳來說不太好.

South of The Beauty's Cave is the Shan Fu Ecological Corridor.  From here a walkway leads through an old fort to a view of the coast. 美人洞南邊有杉福生態廊道.  在這裡可以走步道進去停用的軍事基地, 從基地的另外一邊可以看海景.

South of the Shan Fu Ecological Corridor is Shan Fu Port.  I could be wrong, but this sleepy little port might be the best place for swimming. 杉福生態廊道南部有杉福漁港.  我認為這應該是最好的游泳地點, 但可能我是錯的. 

Further south is Boar's Channel.  In my opinion this is the prettiest of the scenic areas. 在往南邊是山豬溝.  我覺得這是小琉球風景最好的地點.

South of Wu Shui Gou is Ha Ban (Ge Ban) Beach, a very famous spot.  Unfortunately for us it was closed for renovation. 位於五水溝南邊是很有名的蛤板灣.  可惜我們在那裡的時候在整修.

Near the southern end of the island is Wu Guei Gave.  The caves around here made me very claustrophobic, but the viewing areas next to the ocean are nice. 靠近島嶼最南端的是烏鬼洞.  在小洞穴裡走動讓我很緊張, 可是坐在海邊的觀景台上很舒服.

On the other side of the island are the Hou Shr Reefs.  This is the least developed part of Xiaoliuqiu, and it's a good place to admire the view. 島嶼的另外一邊有厚石群礁.  這個地區沒有那麼多觀光設施, 但是個欣賞風景的好地方.

After that?  We walked onward, onward, ever onward.  We walked our weary way north to Baisha Sightseeing Port.  The scooters began to crowd around us like a swarm of angry bees, and I could think of nothing better than sitting down, somewhere quiet, and having a beer. 在厚石群礁之後呢?  我們繼續走.  我們走到北邊白沙觀光港.  我們越靠近白沙, 路上的摩托車越多.  像一群蜜蜂一樣那麼吵鬧.  快完成環島的時候, 我很想坐在一個安靜的地方喝啤酒.


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